Appendice 9. With Second Requests

Identifying Privileged Material And
Maintaining Privilege When Complying
With Second Requests1
Identifying privileged material and maintaining the privilege can be
like walking a tightrope when responding to U.S. Department of Justice
and Federal Trade Commission requests for additional information or
documentary material (Second Requests A deficient privilege index
gives the agencies a perfect excuse to “buy time” and reject or “bounce”
a Second Request submission, thereby delaying the start of the second
HSR Act waiting period until the index is deemed in full compliance.
This extends the time within which staff can conduct its investigation
and delays the closing of the entire transaction.
The problems of balancing compliance with the need to identify and
shield privileged documents are further complicated by the fact that
staffing for these matters (particularly at the document review and
privilege index stages) typically involves legal assistants and fairly junior
associates. These team members may not be as conversant with privilege
principles, or the agencies’ current treatment of privilege issues, as other
more senior personnel. Add to this the numerous procedural questions
regarding the identification of privileged documents and the creation of
indices reflecting privileged material and it becomes apparent that
strategies and procedures useful in reviewing privileged materials for
production are needed.
This appendix will provide general guidelines for situations or
documents that commonly arise when determining privilege in producing
1. Based substantially on the following article: C. Mohr, Identifying
Privileged Material and Maintaining the Privilege when Complying with
Second Requests, Antitrust (Spring 1994). Note that this appendix is not
intended to be a comprehensive guide to privilege or a compilation of
relevant case law; rather, it is intended to cover general themes and
provide an overview to the reader. Nor is it intended to deal with the
issue of privilege for investigations conducted by antitrust agencies
outside of the United Sttates

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