Vol. 47 No. 5, September 1995
- Income Taxes: Concise History and Primer.
- Schleier requires Congress to clarify when damages received for discrimination are not taxable.
- Constitutional, legal, and policy issues regarding the use of tax bounty hunters.
- Factually speaking: an overview of the sales factor.
- A primer on the California sales/use tax manufacturing equipment exemption.
- FTA Task Force on Electronic Data Interchange: a status report.
- Streamlining corporate filing requirements.
- Deductibility of just-in-time manufacturing costs.
- Application of regulatory sunset bill to tax regulations.
- TEI urges rejection of proposal for IRS to use private collection agencies.
- TEI endorses H.R. 1690, the International Tax Simplification and Reform Act of 1995.
- Announcement 95-49: procedures for securing an advance pricing agreement.