The Waiting Period

AuthorJeffrey Kasky; Robert Andrew Kasky
The Waiting Period
The waiting period is the period of time between the acceptance of a match by both the birth parent(s)
and the prospective adoptive family and the delivery of the baby. No doubt this period is filled with
anxiety, excitement, doubt, joy, and many other emotions. We typically refer to this period of time as a
“roller-coaster ride” as there are days when the news and emotions are high and others when the news
and emotions are low. Yes, there are undramatic adoptions, but the prospective adoptive family should
be prepared for the drama and roller coaster of emotions during this period. Attention to detail, frequent
communication, and excellence in the delivery of professional services to the birth parents may go a long
way to reduce the drama, but no matter what level of service is provided, anything can happen.
Obviously, the duration of the waiting period is based on the dates when the match is made and the
date when the birth mother delivers. Some women begin the adoption process immediately upon learning
of their pregnancy, and others begin after they complete the decision-making process and conclude that
adoption is in the best interests of the child as well as themselves. Whatever the time period is, it seems to
last forever for both the birth parent(s) and the prospective adoptive family.
During this waiting period, the family should expect the agency to provide them with medical reports
of each visit to the OB or any other health-care provider and the family is encouraged to take such re-
ports to their personal physician for an independent and impartial review. The reports will, of course, be
redacted to remove the birth mother’s name to maintain her privacy and confidentiality.
When the birth mother is being compliant and going to all of her doctor, laboratory, ultrasound, and
other appointments, the process appears to be efficient and perhaps the stress level is more manageable.
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