
AuthorRobert W. Tarun
ABB Inc., United States v., 377–378
ABB Ltd.-Jordan, United States v., 377–378
ABB Ltd., United States v., 302–303, 377–378
ABB Vetco Gray Inc., United States v.,
ABB Vetco Gray U.K. Ltd., United States v.,
acquisition due diligence, transaction
issues and considerations, 108–116
“adequate procedures” (U.K. Bribery Act
2010), 433–446
generally, 61
six principles, detail, 436–446
six principles, overview, 435–436
affi rmative defenses
defined, 11–12
FCPA compared to U.K. Bribery Act, 450
FCPA text, 470, 475, 481
generally, 218
Lay-Person’s Guide to FCPA (U.S. DOJ),
527, 528
travel, lodging, and entertainment,
130 (see also gifts, travel, lodging,
AGA Medical Corp., United States v.,
Agco Corporation, United States v., 350–351
agents, transaction issues and
considerations, 91–92, 101–104, 123
agreement, defi ned, 18
Aibel Group Ltd., United States v., 337–338
Albert Jackson Stanley, United States v., 335–336
Alcatel-Lucent France SA, Alcatel-Lucent
Trade International A.G., United States v.,
Alcatel Lucent SA, United States v., 393–395
Alderman, Richard, director of U.K. SFO,
430, 458
Alliance One International AG, United States v.,
Alliance One Tobacco Osh LLC, United States v.,
Amec Ltd. (U.K.), 428
American College of Trial Lawyers’
Recommended Practices for Companies
and Their Counsel in Conducting Internal
Investigations (February 2008), 545–579
anti-bribery conventions and global law
enforcement. see also Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act; United Kingdom Bribery
Act 2010
Anti-Bribery Guidance for Transactions,
conventions and global law enforcement
efforts, 55–66
Australia, 63
Canada, 63–64
U.K. anti-corruption developments,
UN Convention Against Corruption
(UNCAC), 59–60
FCPA, generally, 1–13 (see also Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act)
application, 1–2
commercial bribery, 13
elements, 2
key concepts, 3–12
Organization for Economic and
Cooperative Development Convention
on Combating Bribery of Foreign
Officials in International Business
Transactions (OECD Convention),
55–59, 485–492
resources, 64
training, special sporting events and,
anti-corruption websites, 739

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