APPENDIX 5. DOJ FCPA opinion releases index

AuthorRobert W. Tarun
DOJ FCPA Opinion Releases Index
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
U.S. Department of Justice
Opinion Procedure Releases
1993 Through June 2011
Release No. Date Subject Country
93-01 04/20/1993 COMMERCIAL
Major commercial organization
proposing to supply manage-
ment services to entity owned by
government of a former Eastern
Bloc country.
Former Eastern
Bloc Country
93-02 05/11/1993 DEFENSE
American company seeking to
enter into a sales agreement to
sell defense equipment to for-
eign country’s armed forces.
Foreign Country
94-01 05/13/1994 CONSULTING
American company and wholly-
owned subsidiary seeking to
enter into a consulting relation-
ship with foreign individual who
is general director of a state-
owned enterprise.
Foreign Country

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