Get Out of Other People's Head

AuthorDavid V. Lorenzo
Get Out of Other People’s Head §20.
Being successful often means making people angry. Let’s face it, there are a lot of people out
there who are miserable and they are content to live with their misery. Trying to help them is not
only futile; it is exasperating. I am sure you have come across some of these people as you work
to build your law firm.
Clients who arrive in my office seeking assistance have two specific issues. In some cases
they are earning less money than they would like. In other cases, the money is fine but they
are not happy with the way they are earning the money. (They are working too hard. They
are dealing with difficult clients. They practice in an area of the law they hate…the list is varied).
When I prescribe a remedy I am always met with resistance. I have been doing this long
enough to know that I need to sell my solutions to my clients. For as much as they want to get
better, the things I ask them to do are so different, so out of the norm, so disruptive to the status
quo, that I am immediately met with shock and resistance.
Most of this resistance is set in the mind of OTHER PEOPLE.
It seems these attorneys, most of who went to school to learn how to be advocates in an adver-
sarial process, are suddenly concerned about what OTHER PEOPLE think. Shocking, I know.
Here are the three objections I hear most often when I introduce my solutions to a new client.
Other People Will Reject Me
This refers to your peers. Most attorneys are very concerned with what their peers will think.
That is why hourly billing is so pervasive. At some point, maybe one hundred years ago, a group
of attorneys decided they wanted to get paid they way plumbers, car mechanics, and factory work-
ers are compensated.
And you go right along with it. Why? Because if you do not, you will not look like OTHER
I also see this in your decisions about strategy. I introduce a new concept. Something that posi-
tions you as different compared to everyone else. And you resist it specifically because nobody
else is doing it….
That is the point!
You need to be different. Being different gives people an opportunity to make a decision based
upon something other than price. Being different helps set you apart.

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