About the Editors

About the Editors
Ricardo Barret to Ferreira da Silva is a founding, senior, and managi ng partner with
Barretto Ferreira e B rancher–Sociedade de Advogados (BKBG). He is the ed itor
and coauthor of Computer Law in Latin America, published in the United State s
in 1977 by the Computer Law Associat ion (CLA) (www.itechlaw.org); editor and
coauthor of Doing Business in Brazil, published in the United States i n 2002 by the
ABA (www.americanba r.org); and editor and coauthor of A Legal Guide to Doing
Business in South America, published in the Un ited States in 2011 by the ABA.
Mr. Barretto Ferreira i s a graduate of São Paulo University Law School (1973) and
the University of North Dakota L aw School (1974). He has written many ar ticles
and given lectures i n Brazil and abroad. He is listed i n various international di rec-
tories (Legal 500, C hambers & Partners Latin America , Best Lawyers, W ho’s Who
Legal, and others). He has served on many boards and commit tees: vice chair of
the Inter-American Law Committee of the Comparative Law Division of the ABA,
2001–2004, Washington, D.C.; member of board of directors of CL A, 1995–2001
and 2003–20 05; vice president of CLA, 20 02–2003; executive vice president of the
Brazilian Computer and Telecommunic ation Law Association (ABDT IC) (www
.abdtic.org.br) for 1989 and 1994 and president of ABDTIC for 1995 and 1998;
representative of ABDTIC on the board of directors of the Inter national Federation
of the Computer Law Associations for eight year s; and Federal Communic ations
Bar Association (FC BA), Washington, D.C. (www.fcba.org). He is fluent in Portu-
guese, Engli sh, French, and Spanish. E -mail: barret to@bkbg.com.br
Paulo Marcos Rodrigues Bra ncher is a founding and managing partner at BK BG.
He holds a PhD in international law and is a professor of international law at São
Paulo Catholic University Law School. He is lis ted in the following internat ional
directories: W ho’s Who Legal, Chambers & Par tners Latin America, Practical L aw
Company—Which Lawyer?, and Best Law yers. Mr. Brancher assists foreign com -
panies doing business i n Brazil, is the author of many books on busi ness law, and
is a frequent speaker at national and inter national seminar s. He is fluent in Portu-
guese, Engli sh, French, and Spanish. E -mail: brancher@bkbg.com .br

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