
AuthorPablo Rojas
Pablo Rojas
C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados
The Plurinational St ate of Bolivia is a landlocked count ry located in the middle of
South America. Bolivia has an area of 1,098,581 square kilometers1 and shares its
borders with Brazil, Parag uay, Argentina, Chile, a nd Peru.
Bolivia can be divided into the following regions: altiplano—or the high lands,
valleys, and lowland tropic. The B olivian departments of La Paz, Oruro, a nd Potosi
are located in the altiplano wester n part of the country a nd have an average alti-
tude of 3,500 meters above sea level. The B olivian depart ments of Cochabamba,
Chuquisaca, and Tarija are located in the valley s and have an altitude of 1,000
meters to 3,000 met ers above sea level. The Bolivian depar tments of Pando, Beni,
and Santa Cruz a re located near 400 me ters above sea level and have a tropical
Bolivia has 10,027,254 inhabitants, accordi ng to the National Statistic s Insti-
tute. The major cities in Boliv ia that account for 70 percent of its population are La
Paz, Santa Cru z, and Cochabamba. L a Paz is where the government is located, but
Sucre is the official capita l where the supreme and constitutional cour t sits.3
38 Chapter 2
Bolivia is a democracy div ided into nine dec entrali zed and autonomous depart-
ments. The Bolivian S tate is organized a nd structure s its jurisdiction th rough the
legislative, executive, judicial, and electoral branche s.4
Bolivia is a civil-law countr y. The Bolivian Constitut ion also recognize s
indigenous-commun ity justice as part of its judic ial system.
Permanent Structures5
The most common business enter prises incorporated under B olivian law are cor-
porations and limited liabil ity partnersh ips (LLPs). These business entitie s share
common aspects but dif fer in complexity of struct ure and methods of ownersh ip.
The organizationa l structu re of a corporation consists of the following tiers:
directors/officer s, a comptroller, and three or more shareholders.
Shares represent ownership interes ts in a corporation. They are f reely transfer-
able by endorsement, and such transfers are t ax exempt.
The ownership and management structure for an L LP requires a mi nimum of
two partners. A boa rd of directors is optional, a nd no comptroller or bylaws are
Capital quotas represent ownership interests in an LLP. Transfers of capital
quotas must be approved by all partners and a re tax exempt. Each time par tners
transfer capital quotas, the a rticles of incorporation must be a mended.
For the incorporation of a corporation or LLP, the following in formation is
• name, age, marita l status, nationality, profession, domicile, and identifica-
tion number of those people who will be come partners or shareholders and /
or name, nature, nat ionality, and domicile of those entities t hat will become
partners or shareholders
• there a re no limitations or special restrictions for foreign par tners or share-
holders; in the case of a foreign entity, a certif icate of good standing is
name and domicile
• purpose
paid-in capital
A minimum of th ree directors is requi red for corporations. Board members
may be of any nationality and may reside outside Bol ivia. Corporat ions also require
a comptroller and alternate who must be domicile d in Bolivia. The mentioned cor -
porate bodies are not required for an L LP.

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