No. 11, January 2006
- Editor's note.
- Trial objections: the way of advocacy.
- Dropping the K-bomb: a compendium of kangaroo tales from American judicial opinions.
- Litigating land use in Massachusetts: defining municipalities' legitimate use of rate of development restrictions.
- Expert handwriting testimony: is the writing really on the wall?
- Construction defect litigation: courts' fragmented rationales regarding coverage for contractor's faulty workmanship.
- Defining the limits of a physician's duty to disclose in Massachusetts.
- Gestational carrier agreements: Massachusetts recognition of the parties' choice of laws.
- Jury instructions, not problematic expert testimony, in child sexual assault cases.
- Prosecuting sham marriage under 18 U.S.C. [section] 1546: is validity of marriage material?
- Good intentions are not enough: the argument against a higher standard of proof in capital cases.
- Civil rights--state prisoners may challenge constitutionality of parole procedures under 42 U.S.C. [section] 1983--Wilkinson v. Dotson, 125 S. CT. 1242 (2005).
- Securities fraud litigation--lost in causation: investors not entitled to presumption of loss causation in fraud-on-the-market cases--Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Broudo, 125 S. CT. 1627 (2005).