Issue Information

Date01 April 2018
Published date01 April 2018
Volume 28 Number 2 April 2018 ISSN 0954-5395
201 Support ing tea m citiz enship : The in fluen ce of tea m socia l resour ces on te am-leve l
affil iation-oriented a nd challenge- oriented behaviou r
Adam C. Stoverin k, Dan S. Chiabu ru, Ning Li and Xi ngshan Zheng
216 Depletio n or expa nsion? Und erstan ding th e effec ts of supp ort pol icy use o n employe e work
and famil y outcomes
An drew Li, Adam Butle r and Jessica Bagger
235 Ba lanci ng tensio ns: Buf fering t he impa ct of orga nisat ional re struc turin g and dow nsizi ng on
employee well-being
Br ian Harney, Na Fu and Yseu lt Freeney
255 Line manag ers a nd HR M : A mana gerial discret ion pe rspective
Juan López-Cota relo
272 The empowerm ent ex pectation – perception gap: An exami nation of t hree
alternative models
Sut I. Wong a nd Bård Kuvaas
288 So vereign w ealth f unds, product ivity a nd peopl e: The i mpact of No rwegi an Gover nment
Pension Fund-Gl obal investment s in the United Ki ngdom
Ma rc Goergen, Noel O'Su llivan, Geof frey Wood and Marij ana Baric
304 Th e role of pa y secrec y polic ies and e mployee se crecy p referenc es in sha ping job attitu des
Bra ndon W. Smit and Tamara Montag-S mit
325 Th e percei ved fair ness of w ork li fe bala nce poli cies: A UK ca se stud y
of solo-livi ng managers and profe ssionals withou t children
Kryst al Wilkinson, Jennifer Tomlinson and Jean Gardiner
340 Em bedded ness acr oss conte xts: A t wo-cou ntry st udy on th e addit ive
and bufferi ng effects of job emb eddedness on employee t urnover
An na Sender, Lea Rutish auser and Bruno St affelbach
357 Work aholis m versus work enga gement an d job cra fting : What i s the role of
self-management strategies?
Ma rijntje E.L. Z eijen, Maria C.W. Peeters a nd Jari J. Hakan en
374 Profes sor D avid P. Lepa k
Ma ria Kraimer a nd Kaifeng Jian g

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