About the Contributors

AuthorSteven M. Goldman, H. Bret Lowell.
About the Contributors
Charles B. Cannon practices with the firm of Jenkens & Gilchrist in Dallas, Texas.
He is a member of the firm’s Franchise & Distribution Practice Group and con-
centrates his practice on the representation of franchisors in domestic and inter-
national transactions. Mr. Cannon was elected to the Governing Committee of the
American Bar Association Forum on Franchising in 1994 and currently serves as
Finance Officer. His major publications include “Practical Problems Associated
with Buying or Selling a Franchise Company,” Mergers & Acquisitions of Fran-
chise Companies (ABA 1996), and “Dependence and Reliance: Keys to Unshack-
ling Co-Branding Alliances from Federal Franchise Rule Compliance,” Franchise
Law Journal (Fall/Winter 1997). Mr. Cannon is also a member of the Franchise &
Distribution Law Committee on the Texas State Bar Intellectual Property Law
Section and an active participant in the Dallas Bar Association Franchise Law
Section. Mr. Cannon received his B.A. from Texas Christian University and his
LL.B. from Yale Law School.
Ronald T. Coleman, Jr., is a litigation partner in the law firm of Paul, Hastings,
Janofsky & Walker, LLP, in Atlanta, Georgia. He focuses his practice on franchise
and intellectual property litigation, as well as other types of trade regulation and
commercial litigation. He has represented franchisors in a wide variety of mat-
ters, including cases on breach of franchise agreement, breach of implied duty of
good faith and fair deal, fraud, violation of and constitutional challenge to state
statutes, RICO and antitrust violations, and enforcement of terminations and
trademark rights. Mr. Coleman received his A.B., cum laude, from Duke Univer-
sity and his J.D., with honors, from Duke University School of Law. He served as
law clerk to the Hon. James C. Hill, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Cir-
cuit in 1986-87. He is a member of the American Bar Association Sections of Lit-
igation and Intellectual Property and the Forum on Franchising.
William A. Finkelstein is Intellectual Property Counsel of PepsiCo, Inc., whose
divisions and subsidiaries have included Pepsi-Cola, Frito-Lay, Tropicana, Pizza
Hut, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Wilson Sporting Goods, and their respec-
tive worldwide businesses. He was President of the International Trademark Asso-
ciation (INTA) in 1985-86 and led the INTA task force on Alternative Dispute
Resolution, which created the CPR/INTA ADR Program. He is the editor/author of
ADR in Trademark and Unfair Competition Disputes: A Practitioner’s Guide. Mr.
Finkelstein served on the Governing Committee of the American Bar Association
Forum on Franchising and has been active in the ABA Intellectual Property Sec-
tion and the International Franchise Association. He is a graduate of the Univer-
sity of Virginia and Boston University School of Law, and received his L.L.M. in
Trade Regulation from New York University School of Law.
Mark B. Forseth is Senior Counsel in the Franchise Development & Franchise
Operations Section of the Marriott International Law Department. He supervises

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