
When manufacturers conspire to fix prices, the injury does not end
with the people who buy directly from the conspirators—or so many
think. In Illinois Brick Co. v. Illinois,1 however, the U.S. Supreme Court
decided that these “indirect purchasers”—that is, purchasers who buy
from the alleged conspirators’ customers, rather than from the
conspirators themselves—had no cause of action under federal law.2 In
more than a quarter century since that decision, courts, legislatures,
practitioners, academics, and the American Bar Association itself all
have struggled with the ramifications of this decision. And in California
v. ARC America Corp.,3 the Supreme Court confirmed that the States
could provide a different result under their own laws and permit indirect
purchasers to recover.4
As matters now stand, 27 states (23 by statute and another four by
case law) permit indirect purchaser claims in one form or another. Yet
the jurisprudence for these claims is far from fully developed. This
Handbook seeks to explain both the framework for indirect purchaser
claims and the issues that commonly arise in indirect purchaser litigation.
Dozens of private practitioners and economists contributed to this
project. In addition to the co-editors, Michael A. Lindsay and Ronald W.
Breaux, we wish to give particular thanks to Jacqueline K. Shipchandler
and Christine J. Sommer whose enormous contributions and repeated
reviews were essential to the completion of this project. We also
gratefully acknowledge the work of the following:
Barbara Alexander Ethan Litwin
Joseph Angland Stacey Mahoney
James A. Babst Brian McKay
Benjamin G. Bradshaw Michael G. Nast
Charles B. Casper Michael Osborne
Brian Collins Erik Pritchard
Matthew R. Cosgrove Elisabeth Rain
David Crosby David Reece
Kenneth A. Dekker Gabriela Richeimer
Beth L. Fancsali Christopher Rogers
1. 432 U.S. 720 (1977).
2. Id. at 737, 746-47.
3. 490 U.S. 93 (1989).
4. Id. at 101-02.

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