A message from the editor.

AuthorKline, Gary

The spring 2017 issue of the Journal of Global South Studies commences a new chapter in the history of our journal and of the association from which it emerged. As with all historical phenomena, some things have changed substantially (for instance, our name, our look, our publisher, and our membership and leadership) while others have remained constant (many stalwarts from the early days of our association still constitute a bedrock and a fount of experience and wisdom for the association). We needed to grow and change so as to remain relevant and capable of making positive contributions in a world in flux and full of challenges. We believe that we have changed in ways that will maintain our health and help us to flourish well into the future.

Our new publisher is the University of Florida Press (UF Press). We are excited about this relationship, and we believe it is one that will be mutually beneficial. As editor of the journal, I would like to express my personal thanks to Lauren Phillips, Linda Bathgate, and the other fine people at UF Press for working with us to bring about this alliance. We look forward to many good years of collaboration.

I request that potential contributors please note the changes in our guidelines for manuscripts. We are calling for submissions to be approximately 10,000 words in length, including the notes. We now ask that authors include abstracts at the beginning of their papers. Further, documentation should conform to The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition. Author guidelines are regularly published near the end of each issue of our journal...

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