HR cases considered for Supreme Court's 2023-2024 docket.

In addition to announcing major opinions on cases argued in its 2022-2023 term, the Supreme Court in June decided some of the cases it will hear--or not hear--when its next term begins in October. Two employment-law cases were considered for the 2023-2024 docket. One of them will be heard, but the justices decided another didn't make the cut.

Did transfer violate Title VII?

On the docket: The court agreed to hear a bias case that will ask whether an employer's decision to transfer a worker might have constituted discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act or whether the employee must first prove the transfer caused "a significant disadvantage" in order to have a case.

The case: Jatonya, a police sergeant, was involuntarily transferred to a patrol position with no change in pay or benefits. She sued, alleging the reason for the transfer was that her supervisor wanted to hire a man to fill her old job. The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed her case, reasoning she had suffered no significant employment disadvantage and therefore could not allege discrimination even if her supervisor was motivated by a desire to replace a woman with a man. The case is Muldrow v. City of St. Louis.

ADA gender-dysphoria case declined

Case dismissed: The court...

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