Employers struggle to cope with lack of care for employees' children: 3 possible options.

If your organization is working to bring more employees back to your workplace, you're likely hearing from some who can't return because their child's school is still closed or they can't find day care.

As the pandemic hit this spring, lack of childcare forced 13% of U.S. parents to quit their jobs, according to a Northeastern University study.

Many childcare centers have closed and those remaining open often require smaller capacities. KinderCare, for example, now allows only 10 children per room, down from 24. And they often have long waiting lists.

To overcome the lack of childcare openings, employers need to consider many options, including:

Continuing telework. CDC guidance still recommends that employers in states with significant COVID spread allow telework when possible. If possible, allow your current telecommuters to continue.

Warning: Do not mention child-care responsibilities as a negative factor in performance evaluations of teleworkers. Doing so may spur a lawsuit over familial responsibilities and sex bias. Instead, focus on results based on objective measures. Also, make allowances for any FMLA leave taken during the evaluation period.

Recalling furloughed workers.

Some jobs must be performed while physically present. If you furloughed workers during shutdown orders because the company was deemed nonessential, you may be recalling them or seeking new employees.

Warning: Do not ask applicants or recalled workers about their childcare plans or school closings. Doing so opens your organization up to a sex discrimination lawsuit. Instead, simply ask if the person can work during the hours requested. If the person brings up the issue, you can discuss possible solutions like part-time or flex work.

Providing childcare and educational support. About a quarter of early childhood education workers lost their jobs this year. Consider setting up your own childcare and virtual education support centers (or partnering with other local firms) for employees with childcare needs. While it may be costly, it may be your best option.


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