Determining Which Factors Will Drive Your Strategic Planning

AuthorDennis Kennedy - Tom Mighell
Determining Which
Factors Will Drive Your
Strategic Planning
Now that you are familiar with the different types of collabora-
tion tools, we conclude Part VI with a look into the factors that
will drive your planning and implementing them into your prac-
tice. Your best approach is to develop a strategic plan—one that
is thoroughly researched, well thought out, and clearly written.
It should also be revisited and revised on a regular basis.
We recognize that most of you will not reach this ideal sit-
uation, but in recommending a consistent strategic approach
we hope to encourage you to move away from the ad hoc, reac-
tive approach to collaboration. If you work through the follow-
ing topics to focus your thoughts, you’ll be well on your way
to a strategic plan, and a foundation for making good choices
about collaboration tools. This chapter serves as a review and
summary of the key points presented in this part and gives you
practical pointers for developing your own plan.
Locating Point A and Point B
Good strategic planning focuses on the basics. As we have
mentioned before, it does not get any more basic than finding a
good way to get from point A (where you are) to point B (where
you want to be). If you do not get that right, your strategic plan
will be built on a shaky foundation and probably will not stand
the test of time, even if it’s only a short time. However, locat-
ing both point A and point B can be more difficult than people

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