AuthorMark Thompson/Elizabeth Smith
One of the attorneys who commented about Judge
Valentine said, “I like him. He’s a nice guy, but from the
bench he appears to be stone faced. If you know him, there
are moments when he likes to laugh, and in chambers, he
is very relaxed. But in front of a jury, for instance, he will
have an exterior, and he is not going to let you see a lot of
emotion.” Another interviewee said Judge Valentine “has a
great glare” but also “has a great sense of humor.” A third
interviewee said Judge Valentine “is a good judge. He is more
reserved and quiet than some of the others. I have never
seen him get too upset. He has a great demeanor.” One other
interviewee said, “He is very professional.”
One of the attorneys interviewed about Judge Valentine
said, “I don’t think his knowledge of the law is that great.
He is more of a shoot from the hip type person.” Another
attorney said, “I think he has some good experience and he is
pretty well-rounded.” A third interviewee said he is “smart.”
A fourth interviewee said, “He came from a DA background,
so he has some good experience and knowledge coming in.”
One other interviewee, citing his prior experience, said, “He
has a good working knowledge of the law.”
On Motions
One criminal defense attorney who commented on Judge
Valentine’s rulings on motions said, “If there is a crucial evi-
dentiary ruling, he is more likely to go with the prosecution.”
Other defense attorneys disagreed. “I think he has the guts
to make a call against the DA on a motion,” said one. Another
said, “He makes good evidentiary decisions, in my opinion.
He doesn’t play favorites at all. It is a very, very level playing
field in his courtroom.” A fourth defense attorney said that
in hearings on motions, Judge Valentine “lets you do your
argument, whether he likes it or not. He lets you make your
record.” A fifth defense attorney said, “He is really cautious
about making a record and why he is ruling one way or the
other. He is one of those guys who takes pride in the fact that
he will try not to rush a decision. He will listen to the other
side and weigh the merits of argument and try to listen with
an open mind, and not just with a prosecution mindset.” A
sixth defense attorney said, “He will contemplate everything
you put before him. He entertains thoroughly all motions
that I put before him—evidentiary motions, search and sei-
zure motions or whatever. Most judges just rubberstamp
things. He is not one of those. He is very, very professional.”
On Trial
One attorney with trial experience before Judge Valentine
said, “I have tried a case in his courtroom and I have done
preliminary hearings in his courtroom. He is patient to
a fault, but I have heard that he has gotten better. He is
patient, he is smart, he runs a great courtroom, and he is
respectful to everyone in the courtroom. He is a really good
judge.” That attorney went on to say, “I would not have any
trouble trying a serious case in front of him. In trial, he is
friendly and so are the courtroom staff and the bailiffs. They
really take their cue from the judge. He runs a very orderly
but friendly court. He is patient until you try his patience
to a very far degree, and I have seen that happen twice.
He is very careful but you can really tell when he has been
pushed too far. I have seen two attorneys pushing too far.
Then, he is very firm.” A second criminal defense attorney
with trial experience before Judge Valentine said, “I have
done two trials in front of him. He gave me a fair read in
both trials. I have gotten great results in both trials in front
of Judge Valentine. He ran a nine-defendant trial, which
had to be difficult for him. It took six weeks and he did a
fine job, and everybody got the opportunity, at the appropri-
ate time, to make whatever record they needed to make.”
Two other interviewees stressed that Judge Valentine is
very businesslike in trial. “He is very stern and runs a very
reserved courtroom. Some of the other judges might joke a
little more and be more friendly towards the jurors or the
court staff, but he is definitely all business when the court
is in session,” said one. Another interviewee said, “He is
very much in control. He is very authoritative. He is very
fair. If you know what you are doing, you want to be in front
of Judge Valentine.”
One interviewee said Judge Valentine is “fine” about con-
tinuances. “If you give him good cause for a continuance,
there was never any problem with him.” A second interviewee
said that when he has been in a department where cases are
sent to him for trial, “he certainly is pleasant to deal with.
On one particular matter that I had in front of him, he was
respectful of other court appearances and was willing to
allow for the lawyers to make a couple of appearances. He
bent his schedule to allow for that, which is always a good
thing.” A third attorney said he was receptive to requests for
extensions of time prior to trial in a complex case with many
defendants, but “not when the trial started. It took a while
to come up with a date when all nine attorneys could get
there, so there were continuances. But past a certain point,
he really got going to get that case to trial.”
Most of the attorneys who commented about Judge
Valentine had appeared before him when he was in trial
departments, handling cases that could not be settled. But
one attorney said, “I thought he went a little further than
most of the judges” to offer the defendant a deal. “He went
along with what I wanted, over the prosecutor’s objection,
and kept it open. It was a 24-hour open offer. Then he kept
it open for 48 hours, then a week, then three weeks. Then,
he was done,” the attorney said. Another interviewee said, “I
have never known him to be in the disposition department.
So I don’t think I have ever had any negotiations in front
of him. Sometimes, if you’re in trial, a judge will say, ‘Why
can’t we settle this?’ I’m sure he would do that, if appropri-
ate. I just don’t remember any specifics about him.” A third
interviewee said, “The only case I have had with him was a
fairly difficult murder case. By the time those serious cases
go for trial, there is not a lot of talk of disposition. But I can
say he has a great handle on what the right thing to do is in
sentencing. He is a good judge.”
One criminal defense attorney said Judge Valentine’s
court “is a difficult place for the defense to try a case. He
is prosecution-oriented. He was a prosecutor earlier in his
career, but he is not rude or unprofessional or discourte-
ous to the defense. I just think it’s a tough road.” Other
defense attorneys had a more favorable view. “I have been
before him on a number of occasions and he was fine,”
said a second defense attorney. “He was fair. He is one
of the few minority judges on the bench. I would call him
middle-of-the-road. He is not somebody I would hope for,
but he is not somebody I would challenge either.” A third
interviewee said, “He is a former DA. I have seen him do
some things with respect to certain cases. For example, on
a sex registration case where the guy had a prior and other
judges might have sent the guy to prison, he didn’t do that.
He understood what caused it.” A fourth defense attorney
said, “He is a wonderful judge.”
Judge Valentine is a friendly person. He is very profes-
sional on the bench and has what one interviewee described
as a stone-faced demeanor, particularly in front of a jury.
Some defense said he tilts somewhat in favor of the prosecu-
tion, having been a prosecutor himself, but others said his
court is a level playing field. He will entertain all motions,
allow attorneys to make a thorough record and does not
rush to a decision. He is, to the contrary, “patient to a fault,”
as one interviewee put it. By the account of most of the
criminal defense attorneys who commented about him, he
is stern but basically middle-of-the-road, and is an overall
solid judge. (13A)
816Valentine California Judge Reviews
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VAN de POEL, John Frederick
“Crotchety,” and “nasty” were the words most frequently
heard when lawyers were asked to describe this judge’s
demeanor. He was also called a “tough, crusty old guy.”
Most lawyers said they do not relish entering his courtroom.
“His judicial demeanor is very formal.” “He can be severe
with lawyers.” “He should quit. He is unhappy and tired.”
“He was a crotchety old guy who has turned into a nasty
old guy.” “Outrageous and discourteous.” “His temper some-
times flares.” “Impatient and irritable.” “Someone should run
against him.”
Attorneys varied in their assessment of this jurist’s intel-
lect and knowledge of the law. “He is bright and capable.”
“He is kind of clueless.” “Not the sharpest cat.” “He has lots
of experience as a trial attorney and he really knows the
Evidence Code.”
On Motions
Although everyone who was interviewed agreed that
Judge Van de Poel can be “quick and decisive,” most cau-
tioned that he can also be “inflexible in his rulings.” “It is
difficult to change his mind.” “His rulings are terrible. They
are off the top of his head. He does not listen.” “He will
rule from the bench—there is no delay in his rulings.” “His
pre-trial rulings are unpredictable.” “He is too impatient to
read the papers.” One litigator stated otherwise: “He is fair-
minded and prepared. He reads the papers and is familiar
with the case.”
On Trial
As a former defense litigator, Judge Van de Poel was wide-
ly acknowledged to be an experienced trial judge, but lawyers
gave varying assessments of his ability to preside over a trial.
“He keeps laywers under control in trial.” “He makes decisive
rulings during trial.” “He controls the courtroom with nasti-
ness. I would disqualify him.” “His evidentiary rulings were
unpredictable.” “He is impatient and wants to move the case
as quickly as possible.” “Disappointing.”
All of the attorneys who were interviewed stated that con-
tinuances are “impossible” to obtain from this judge. “He is
committed to the Fast Track and will assign arbitrary trial
dates.” “He makes knee-jerk decisions based on Fast Track.”
“He is ultra Fast Track without regard to the complexities of
the case.”
Most attorneys said they have not been impressed with
this judge’s settlement skills. “He hinders settlement rather
than helping it.” “He is very impatient with the lawyers and
the parties.” One litigator did credit him with having a cor-
rect sense of valuation, though. “He does know the value of
the case.”
None of the lawyers interviewed mentioned that this judge
has demonstrated any proclivities to them. “He is equally
nasty to everyone.”
Be armed with a tough skin for this courtroom. Punctuality
is important. (01Z)
VAN OSS, Terrence Richard
Several interviewees said they are pleased with Judge Van
Oss’ courtroom temperament. Comments included: “[His
demeanor is] fine,” “It’s professional” and “It’s a bit stern—
but okay.” Others complained and said, “[Judge Van Oss’
mien] isn’t that good” and “He’s a little pushy—but okay.”
Two interviewees said Judge Van Oss’ legal acumen is
“average to above average.” Others said, “It’s very good” and
“It’s average.” One lawyer complained that Judge Van Oss’
legal acumen is “below average.”
On Motions
Judge Van Oss’ courtroom management style was described
as “between formal and relaxed” by some of the interviewees
and “a bit formal” by others. One rather critical interviewee
said this jurist’s style is “uptight.” All of the attorneys said
Judge Van Oss is polite to all who appear in front of him.
When asked if he usually takes the bench on time, nearly all
of them answered in the affirmative. One lawyer even added,
“He’s a really hardworking judge.” However, one litigator
offered a different opinion when he said, “It takes Judge Van
Oss a bit longer to get fully started” than his peers.
On Trial
Most of the interviewees said Judge Van Oss usually
listens closely to their arguments and keeps an open mind.
Nevertheless, one attorney disagreed and said, “Judge Van
Oss listens closely but he doesn’t always keep an open mind.”
Nearly all of the interviewees said they like Judge Van Oss’
courtroom atmosphere. Comments included: “It’s professional
and comfortable,” “It’s relaxed” and “It’s professional.” Only
one lawyer complained and said, “[The atmosphere is] tense.”
Attorneys offered rather divergent opinions about Judge Van
Oss’ ability to move matters expeditiously. Several said he
moves cases at an “average” pace compared to his peers.
However, one lawyer said Judge Van Oss moves cases “a bit
too fast” while yet another said this jurist moves cases “slow-
er” than his peers. All of the attorneys interviewed said Judge
Van Oss interacts well with jurors. Only a few of the attorneys
felt qualified to evaluate Judge Van Oss’ handling of his sen-
tencing duties. Two of them said, “He’s fair” and does “okay”
when sentencing defendants. One final lawyer said, “Judge
Van Oss is fair to tough” when handling his sentencing tasks.
A majority of the interviewees said you have an “average”
chance of getting Judge Van Oss to grant a continuance once
good cause has been shown. Others said, “He’s reasonable”
and “He’s definitely reasonable about granting these.”
Only two interviewees felt qualified to evaluate Judge
Van Oss’ settlement and negotiating skills. They said, “He’s
somewhat proactive and his skills are a little above average”
and “He’ll help sometimes and has good negotiating skills.”
Most of the interviewees said they are pleased with Judge
Van Oss’ overall impartiality. Several simply said, “He’s fair.”
One lawyer opined, “He issues neutral rulings and deci-
sions.” The only somewhat critical attorney said Judge Van
Oss “leans slightly toward the D.A.”
Most of the interviewees said Judge Van Oss listens close-
ly to their arguments and keeps an open mind. A majority of
them also said they like the atmosphere maintained in his
courtroom. However, mixed opinions were shared regarding
this jurist’s demeanor. (01G)
Interviewees were effusive in their praise of Judge Van
Sicklen’s demeanor. “I think Van Sicklen has an excellent
judicial temperament,” said one. Another described him as
a “a nice man” while a third lawyer said he is “intellectually
honest.” Other comments included: “He doesn’t let the robe get
the better of him.” “He’s accommodating to attorneys and he’s
polite to all defendants.” “I like Van Sicklen. He’s hard work-
ing. He’s got guts.” One attorney added, “When you first meet
him, he’s kind of shy like he doesn’t want to offend anybody.
But when you get to know him, he’s more down-to-business.”
Judge Van Sicklen was a district attorney for two or three
years in his early career and then spent the next 27 to 30
years as a civil practitioner. Attorneys were unanimous in
praising Judge Van Sicklen’s knowledge of the law. “He’s
smart, very intelligent, very good with the law,” said one. “I
think he’s very intelligent. He knows the law,” said another.
Profiles Van Sicklen817
CJ_Volume_2.indb 817CJ_Volume_2.indb 817 9/5/2014 12:48:07 PM9/5/2014 12:48:07 PM

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