AuthorMark Thompson/Elizabeth Smith
TAFOYA, Robert S.
Interviewees seem impressed with Judge Tafoya’s court-
room temperament. They said, “It’s excellent,” “It’s top
notch. He’s a pleasant judge,” “[His demeanor is] good. He’s
always pleasant and cordial” and “He’s extremely friendly.
Very personable.” One final attorney offered a slightly differ-
ent perspective when he opined, “[Judge Tafoya’s mien is]
fairly formal.”
Judge Tafoya’s legal acumen was described as “good,”
“high,” “excellent” and “pretty good. He’s very conscien-
tious, too.” One other interviewee said, “He’s very smart. A
real intellectual.”
On Motions
Some interviewees said Judge Tafoya’s courtroom man-
agement style is “between formal and relaxed.” Others
shared slightly diverse comments and opined, “It’s some-
what relaxed,” “It’s formal. You need to follow a proper dress
code in his courtroom” and “He’s fully able to manage his
workload and people. He runs an efficient courtroom.” Every
interviewee said Judge Tafoya is polite to all who appear in
front of him. In fact, one of them said, “He’s very polite” to
everyone. Litigators praised this judge for almost always tak-
ing the bench on time compared to his peers.
On Trial
Most interviewees said Judge Tafoya usually listens
closely to their arguments and keeps an open mind. One
of them added, “and he takes the time to really think
about what you’ve said.” Another lawyer simply said Judge
Tafoya listens closely and keeps an open mind “more so
than most.” When asked to describe this jurist’s courtroom
atmosphere, litigators responded, “It’s professional,” “It’s
good,” “It’s friendly,” “It’s professional and comfortable”
and “It’s relaxed and friendly.” Lawyers shared diverse
views when asked how efficiently Judge Tafoya moves cases
through his courtroom. One attorney said this jurist moves
cases through at an “appropriate” pace. Others opined,
“[Cases move] a bit slower—to be sure he gives attorneys
enough time to put on their cases” and matters move
at an “average” pace. Others said, “Judge Tafoya moves
matters faster “than his peers” and cases are moved in a
“businesslike manner.” Lawyers seem to like the way this
jurist handles his sentencing duties. Those who responded
said he handles such tasks in a “fair” or “very fair” man-
ner. Another attorney simply said, “He’s reasonable” when
sentencing defendants.
Some interviewees said you have an “average” chance of
getting Judge Tafoya to grant a continuance once good cause
has been shown. Others opined, “He’s very reasonable”
about granting these, “Judge Tafoya is more likely” to grant
one than his peers and “He’s more flexible than many about
granting continuances.”
Interviewees said Judge Tafoya will help negotiate mat-
ters when asked and that he has “good” or “excellent” skills.
Another lawyer opined, “If the parties ask for Judge Tafoya’s
help, he’s flexible enough to come up with a solution.”
Every interviewee said Judge Tafoya’s rulings and deci-
sions are either “fair” or “very fair.”
Additional comments include: “He really wants to do
what’s right” and “Judge Tafoya is generally pleasant with
everyone he comes in contact with.” Interviewees seem
pleased with Judge Tafoya’s willingness to listen closely to
their arguments and keep an open mind. They also praised
his legal knowledge, courtroom demeanor and his courtroom
management style. (01G)
TANG, Julie M.
Judge Julie Tang is described as “a strong presence” and
“charming.” “Her demeanor is excellent.” “A tremendously
charismatic person.” She has a way of carrying herself which
effects the atmosphere in her courtroom. “She likes to keep
all the relationships in the courtroom cordial or at least pro-
fessional, and she has a self-confidence that helps her pull
that off.” “She has got a nice demeanor, she’s pleasant.” She
is also described as “very formal,” sometimes as “a stickler
for the rules ... to a fault.”
Some of the lawyers interviewed said Judge Tang is “high-
ly intelligent,” but others rated her as “medium to high-medi-
um” or “just good, not excellent.” “She’s smart, but not on
the level of the heavy-hitters.” “Medium to low.” Comments
on her knowledge of the job were somewhat equivocal. “She’s
very active in the drug court, for instance. That has her
interest.” “She is good with things she sinks her teeth into.”
“She really only sees one thing.” “She’s too focused on drug
court and domestic violence.” “She’s less well informed than
other judges.”
On Motions
Judge Tang is seen as “reasonable” and “fair” on motions.
Comments were: “She’s fairly good.” “I’ve had motions before
her and she was fair.” “She bends over backward to try and
be fair, but she makes mistakes.”
On Trial
Lawyers with jury trial experience before Judge Tang
reported that she allows limited attorney involvement in voir
dire. “About ten minutes.” “She is appropriate with juries,
polite.” However there were reports that Judge Tang is a
harsh sentencing judge. “If you try a case she wanted you
to settle she will take it personally and your client will feel
it if you lose. You have to know that going in.” “…she may
punish your client not only for the crime but for making her
go through the trial.” Another lawyer mentioned that Judge
Tang is “very concerned about her rules” and felt this ten-
dency led to a certain inflexibility that was not always in the
interest of justice.
Judge Tang is considered to be reasonable in her
response to requests for continuances. “She’s absolutely fair
about continuances.” “She’s fine.”
Judge Tang likes to settle cases. “She’s very settlement-
oriented in pre-trial negotiations.” “She’s eager to settle
cases, sometimes to a fault.” “She will pressure a defendant
to take a plea bargain just to get out of custody even if the
client says he’s innocent and wants his day in court.” “Some
cases just need to go to trial and Judge Tang doesn’t seem
to get that.” “She isn’t really interested in trying cases.” In
reference to Judge Tang’s work on domestic violence cases
it was mentioned that “…if someone is pleading guilty and
changing, she will be very supportive.” However, it was also
mentioned that if a domestic violence or drug defendant
claimed innocence Judge Tang would be likely to think the
person “was in denial.”
No proclivities toward prosecution or defense were report-
ed; however, as mentioned, Judge Tang does have a reputa-
tion for wanting to settle cases. “She doesn’t really want to
try cases.” “She has an agenda in her courtroom and that’s
probably not appropriate for a judge.” Several attorneys
described her as a “political animal” and were concerned that
sitting in a court that deals only with this high-profile area
of law may have affected Judge Tang’s objectivity. “She can’t
maintain an appropriate distance sometimes.”
The word on Judge Tang was mixed. Some lawyers
warned that you should not underestimate her. “She has
got a keen intelligence, but she doesn’t flaunt it.” Because
she demonstrates an attractive personality some lawyers
fail to notice the way Judge Tang is following the case, and
Profiles Tang779
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the law that applies to it. “She has clear goals with cases
and she knows the law. Don’t underestimate her.” However,
some lawyers felt Judge Tang’s goals with cases may be to
settle them no matter what. If you choose to try a case that
she wants settled, be sure your client is aware that she is
known for handing down tough sentences. If your client does
not wish to plead guilty, some lawyers say Judge Tang may
assume there’s a “denial” problem. (01B)
Judge Tang graciously responded to written questions
regarding her courtroom preferences and procedures.
When asked about her participation in attorneys’ pre-trial
negotiations, Judge Tang said she becomes “very involved”
and “initiates negotiation discussions.” She then added,
“Sometimes during or after a pre-trial proceeding when I’ve
developed a sense of what the case is about, I’ll ask the par-
ties to look seriously into a possible settlement.” Once pro-
ceedings begin, all motions need to be submitted in writing.
Judge Tang strongly prefers that attorneys bring a proposed
Order to court indicating the specific relief they are seeking.
Although this jurist usually does not question witnesses
extensively, she does tend to conduct more than half of the
voir dire proceedings. Judge Tang is willing to issue tentative
rulings (when appropriate). Lawyers do not need to request
her permission before approaching the bench, a witness, or
exhibits. Speaking objections are not allowed in this court-
room. This jurist requires trial briefs in all criminal cases
before her.
Judge Tangeman is “very judicial. He has a great tempera-
ment,” said a civil practitioner. A criminal defense attorney
said, “He’s very polite and he treats litigants, counsel and
witnesses with great sensitivity. I can only think of maybe
two times that I saw him lose his temper at all, and certainly
on one of those occasions, I was surprised that he was able
to hold it as long as he did. He is a very even-keeled guy.”
Another criminal defense attorney said, “He has got a sense
of humor. He does not have an ego. He doesn’t give you the
sense that he’s better than you.” With respect to his demean-
or and personality, there is “none better,” said the interview-
ee, who rated Judge Tangeman as an outstanding judge in
every respect. “He has all of these qualities, and yet he is still
a human being.” Other interviewees called him “empathic”
and “humane,” and said, “There are a few judges that [have]
smart, good, balanced personalities. He’s one of them.”
Judge Tangeman is “the superstar” of the San Luis
Obispo County bench, said one interviewee. “In terms of his
scholarship, there is none better,” the interviewee continued.
“He has an extraordinary work ethic. He is highly prepared.
He never looks like he is breaking a sweat. He is appellate
court material. He has educated me. He has come up with
stuff that I never knew. When you get older, you don’t get
surprised as much as you do when you were younger, but
he still surprises me.” Another attorney said, “He is a very
smart guy and a good judge. He is the top judge we have
in our court. His strength is a good analytical process.” A
criminal defense attorney added, “He is smart. He was a civil
lawyer and a civil litigator, but he is particularly adept and
great at navigating into the criminal arena instinctively.”
A criminal defense attorney who had a lengthy trial before
Judge Tangeman said, “He’s very bright. His experience in
criminal law was quite limited, and he certainly had never
had experience with a case of our magnitude, which was very
complicated. But he was extremely conscientious. He worked
very hard on the case. I know he took it home with him and
worked on it a lot. I was really impressed with him.” A civil
litigator added, “He is very capable and very intelligent. He
does his own research if the attorneys appearing before him
haven’t done a complete job.”
On Motions
Judge Tangeman had very limited experience in criminal
cases when he was assigned a trial that one interviewee han-
dled as defense attorney, yet he deftly waded through a raft
of complicated motions, leaving the interviewee impressed.
“It was a very, very complicated case, with very complex legal
issues, and there were many, many legal issues and logisti-
cal issues that he had never confronted. He was very, very
conscientious. I can’t say that I agreed with every ruling of
his, but that doesn’t mean that he was necessarily wrong.
I really have the highest regard for him,” the attorney said.
Another interviewee said, “When he denies motions, I never
leave the courtroom without having a complete, and I mean
complete, understanding of why he denied it.”
On Trial
Judge Tangeman wins praise for his skills as a trial judge
from both civil litigators and criminal lawyers. “When he
was practicing, he was one of the best, if not the best trial
attorney on the Central Coast. At one time, he had one of the
largest verdicts,” said a civil practitioner, who added that he
has employed those trial skills effectively as a judge. “He is
great for both court and jury trials,” the litigator said. The
criminal defense attorney who had a complicated trial before
Judge Tangeman said, “I have been practicing for almost 40
years, and he is up there with the best. He was a pleasure
to be in front of. He is a judge’s judge.” Another criminal
defense attorney said, “It’s not easy for the civil guys to pick
up criminal law. But I am not exaggerating when I tell you
this. He had no criminal background whatsoever when he
became a judge and got on the criminal bench. Yet within
two weeks of getting on the bench, he stopped talking to the
clerks. Usually, when you get the new guys, they are always
talking to the clerks and asking, ‘what do I do now.’ It usu-
ally takes about six to eight weeks before they stop looking
to the clerks religiously. But Marty stopped after two weeks.
Within two weeks, he got it handled and he understood it. He
is the quickest learner I have ever seen in my life. The way
he runs a courtroom: none better.”
When it comes to requests for extensions of time, Judge
Tangeman is “fair,” a civil litigator said. “Because he prac-
ticed for maybe 20 or 25 years as a civil litigator, he under-
stands the pressures that lawyers face. So if there’s a good
reason for a continuance, you usually have no problem with
him. I have never had a problem in that regard with him
and I probably never will, because as long as you have a
good reason for it, your request will probably be granted.
But if you have a flimsy excuse, he’s probably going to see
right through it.” A criminal defense attorney who handled a
complex trial before Judge Tangeman added, “There was an
urgency to move the case, but he struck a good balance. He
was sensitive to our need to have adequate time to prepare.
I thought he was very evenhanded.”
Judge Tangeman is “adept at settling cases, if he turns
out to be a settlement judge because even though he’s not
on the civil bench, that is his career background,” said a civil
practitioner. A criminal defense attorney, commenting while
Judge Tangeman was sitting in a criminal court, added, “He
is less proactive, because he is in a criminal court.” Another
criminal defense attorney said the judge dismissed some
of the charges after the preliminary hearing to streamline
a case that proceeded to trial, but “after the preliminary
hearing, there was nothing formally discussed. The reality is
that there was never any chance of a negotiated disposition,
because my client wasn’t going to plead to anything. So that
was never an issue.”
Judge Tangeman is “highly, highly conscientious.
Extraordinarily conscientious,” said one attorney. “He is the
archetype for a judge. In every single classification of what
you want in a judge, he pulls in a 10. He has no weaknesses.
I don’t know how he does it.” A second interviewee said, “He
is a fair and balanced guy. He is not going to push you into
some ideological corner. Pragmatism seems to be the govern-
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