No. 49-3, March 1998
- Amchem Products, Inc. v. Windsor: the Supreme Court Defines the Standard for Settlement Class Action Certification - Jimmy White
- Board of the County Commissioners v. Brown: Nepotism, Skepticism, and Causation Under 42 U.s.c. Sec. 1983 - Jeff Harris
- Financial Modernization: Implications for the Safety Net - Thomas M. Hoenig
- How Should Property Be Valued in a Cram Down? - Mark E. Beatty
- Introduction to a Panel on the Modernization of Financial Regulation: What Is the Governmental Role in Finance, Anyway? - David G. Oedel
- Kansas v. Hendricks: Fighting for Children on the Slippery Slope - Michael L. Atlee
- Legal Writing: Its Nature, Limits, and Dangers - Douglas Litowitz
- Maryland v. Wilson: the Fading Fourth Amendment - Gregory Lineberry
- Old Chief v. United States: Radical Change or Minor Departure? How Much Further Will Courts Go in Limiting the Prosecution's Ability to Try Its Case? - Scott Patterson
- Reflections on the Ongoing Effort to Modernize Financial Services Regulation - John D. Hawke, Jr.
- Rough Terrain Ahead: a New Course for Racial Preference Programs - Jeremy Moeser
- The Heart of the Matter: the Property Right Conferred by Copyright - Douglas Y'barbo
- The Process and the Product: a Bibliography of Scholarship About Legal Scholarship - Mary Beth Beazley and Linda H. Edwards
- The Search for a New Regulatory Paradigm - Michael Taylor
- United States v. Mitchell: the Fifth Amendment at Sentencing - Matthew E. Cook
- Where to Draw the Line? the Supreme Court Reverses on Federal Funding Programs Regarding Religious Schools: Agostini v. Felton - Michael N. White