Water code crimes

AuthorElizabeth Berry/George Gallagher
§14:10 Governing Statutes
§14:20 General Note: Alternate Ways to Commit Offense
§14:30 Tactical Note: No Mental State
A. Unauthorized Discharge of Pollutant
1. Law
§14:40 Lesser Included Offenses
§14:50 Def‌initions
§14:60 Double Jeopardy
2. Forms
§14:70 Unlawful Use of State Water
§14:80 Practice Note
§14:90 Intentional or Knowing Unauthorized Discharge
§14:100 Unauthorized Discharge
§14:110 Defense Note
§14:120 Failure to Properly Use Pollution Control Measures
§14:130 False Statement
§14:140 Tactical Note: Materiality
§14:150 Failure to Notify or Report
§14:160 Failure to Pay Fees
§14:170 Intentional or Knowing Unauthorized Discharge and Knowing Endangerment
§14:180 Intentional or Knowing Unauthorized Discharge and Endangerment
§14:190 Reckless Unauthorized Discharge and Endangerment
§14:200 Failure to Report Discharge or Spill
§14:210 Failure to Report Discharge or Spill
B. Underground Storage Tanks
§14:220 Violation Relating to Underground Storage Tank
§14:230 Violation Relating to Underground Storage Tank
§14:240 Violation Relating to Underground Storage Tank
§14:250 Violation Relating to Underground Storage Tank
§14:260 Violation Relating to Underground Storage Tank
§14:270 Violation Relating to Injection Wells
§14:280 Violation Relating to Plugging Wells
§14:290 Violation Relating to Water Wells or Drilled or Mined Shafts
§14:300 Violation Relating to Certain Subsurface Excavations
§14:310 Violation Relating to Solid Waste in Enclosed Containers or Vehicles
Texas Criminal Jury Charges 14-2
C. Hazardous Waste Generally
1. Law
§14:320 Actions and Intent Required
§14:330 Double Jeopardy
2. Forms
§14:340 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste
§14:350 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste
§14:360 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste
§14:370 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste
§14:380 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste
§14:390 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste
§14:400 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste
§14:410 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste
§14:420 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste and Endangerment
§14:430 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste and Endangerment
§14:440 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste and Endangerment
§14:450 Violation Relating to Hazardous Waste and Endangerment
D. Medical Waste
§14:460 Violation Relating to Medical Waste: Large Generator
§14:470 Violation Relating to Medical Waste: Large Generator
§14:480 Violation Relating to Medical Waste: Small Generator
§14:490 Violation Relating to Medical Waste: Small Generator
§14:500 Violation Relating to Transportation of Medical Waste
§14:510 Violation Relating to Transportation of Medical Waste
§14:520 Violation Relating to Transportation of Medical Waste
§14:530 False Statement Relating to Medical Waste
§14:540 Tactical Note: Materiality
§14:550 False Statement Relating to Medical Waste
§14:560 Tactical Note: Materiality
§14:570 Intentional or Knowing Violation Relating to Medical Waste and Knowing Endangerment
§14:580 Intentional or Knowing Violation Relating to Medical Waste and Endangerment
§14:590 Intentional or Knowing Release of Medical Waste Into Environment and Endangerment
§14:600 Reckless Release of Medical Waste into Environment and Endangerment
E. Sewage Disposal
§14:610 Failure of Sewage System Installer to Register
F. Used Oil
1. Law
§14:620 Def‌initions
§14:630 Corporation is a Person
2. Forms
§14:640 Violations Relating to Handling of Used Oil
§14:650 Practice Note
§14:660 Tactical Note
§14:670 Violations Relating to Handling of Used Oil
§14:680 Practice Note
§14:690 Violations Relating to Handling of Used Oil
§14:700 Practice Note
§14:710 Violations Relating to Handling of Used Oil
§14:720 Practice Note
§14:730 Violations Relating to Handling of Used Oil
§14:740 Practice Note
§14:750 Violations Relating to Handling of Used Oil
§14:760 Practice Note
§14:770 Violations Relating to Handling of Used Oil
§14:780 Practice Note
14-3 Water Code Crimes
G. Clean Air Act
§14:790 Violations of Clean Air Act
§14:800 Violations of Clean Air Act
§14:810 Violations of Clean Air Act
§14:820 Violations of Clean Air Act
§14:830 Violations of Clean Air Act
§14:840 Failure to Pay Fees Under Clean Air Act
§14:850 False Representations under Clean Air Act
§14:860 Failure to Notify Under Clean Air Act
§14:870 Improper Use of Monitoring Device
§14:880 Reckless Emission of Air Contaminant and Endangerment
§14:890 Intentional or Knowing Emission of Air Contaminant and Knowing Endangerment
§14:900 Violations Relating to Low-Level Radioactive Waste
§14:910 Violations Relating to Low-Level Radioactive Waste
§14:920 Knowing or Intentional Unauthorized Disposal of Lead-Acid Batteries
H. Defenses
§14:930 Act of God
§14:940 Defenses to Endangerment Offenses
§14:950 Defenses Available to Person Responsible for Solid Waste Violations
§14:960 Defense to Used Oil Offenses
I. Water Rights Violations
§14:970 Interbasin Transfers

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