The Muscular System

AuthorSamuel D. Hodge, Jr./Jack E. Hubbard
ProfessionSkilled litigator, is chair of the department of legal studies at Temple University/Professor of Neurology at the University of Minnesota
The Muscular System
No muscle uses its
power in pushing[,]
but always in drawing
to itself the parts that
are joined to it.
Leonardo da Vinci
The spine would not be able to move without the muscles and ligaments that surround
it.1 In fact, there is a complex set of muscles known as extensors, flexors, and obliques that
work together to support the spine, help hold the body upright, and enable the trunk of
the body to move, twist, and bend in a variety of directions.2 These soft tissues, however,
are not limited to the back and neck. The body contains more than 700 muscles that allow
us to act upon our thoughts and react to the challenges and pleasures presented by the
environment as well as the events that go on about us. Muscles also help with temperature
regulation by causing shivering, an automatic response to a drop in body temperature.
Shivering allows the skeletal muscles to alternately contract and relax, generating heat
by the increased muscle metabolism. Body musculature, in many individuals, also defines
body form and shape.
This chapter will examine the microscopic structure of muscle, how muscles allow
people to move, the major muscle groups of the body, a clinical discussion of diseases of
and injuries to muscle, and the legal considerations of muscular issues.
The body has three types of muscle based upon their microscopic appearance as well as
function: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Figure 4-1. Skeletal muscles are under the control
of the voluntary nervous system and connect bone-to-bone, as well as to skin and other
structures in order to move those parts of the body such as the eye.3 Cardiac muscle is
only found in the heart; that perpetual muscular pump is under involuntary control of
the autonomic nervous system. Smooth muscle, also controlled by the autonomic nervous
system, surrounds vessels and organs to cause a squeezing or constricting action such as the
contractions of the uterus during labor, peristaltic activity of the intestines during digestion,
and constriction of the arteries to increase blood pressure. Since the muscular system only
pertains to skeletal (striated) muscles, this chapter is limited to that type of muscle.
Skeletal muscle accounts for about 40 percent of body mass and is able to do its job
due to its unique properties of being (1) contractile, (2) excitable, and (3) elastic. Muscles
are contractile, meaning that they are able to shorten and thus move the structures to
which they are attached. Muscles are excitable, contracting in response to electrical and
chemical stimulation, and they have significant elasticity, the ability to return to their
original resting length after contraction.
The medical specialists who treat diseases of the muscular system are neurologists;
physiatrists treat musculoskeletal disorders. However, no specific surgical specialty is
associated with the muscular system.
Microscopic Structure
A skeletal muscle cell is a marvel of biomechanical engineering. Each cell contains
approximately 2,000 myofibrils (myo = muscle) that provide for contraction and thus movement.
Each myofibril contains two types of long protein molecules called myofilaments. Figure 4-2.
One type of myofilament, the thicker of the two, is called myosin and is surrounded by six of the
thinner myofilaments, called actin, in a very precise, regular pattern. The actin myofilaments
extend from a common point, called the Z line (or Z disk), with the myosin myofilaments
positioned in between the actin myofilaments. The myosin does not reach the Z line.
The segment between each Z line is called a sarcomere or the basic unit of a striated
muscle4 and is the contractile unit of a muscle cell. The alternating concentrations of actin
and myosin myofilaments in a sarcomere each give an alternating light and dark coloring
when muscles are prepared and treated for certain histological stains. These alternating
bands give a striated appearance; hence, skeletal muscle is also known as striated muscle.
Each myosin myofilament has a head made of the energy molecule ATP (adenosine
triphosphate), which cross-bridges with the thinner actin myofilaments (see figure
4-2). Each of the actin myofilaments also contains regulatory proteins, troponin and
tropomysin, which are important during the contraction process. During a muscle
contraction, very complex biochemical and neurophysiological changes occur. Calcium
ions are stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a tubular system surrounding the myofibrils,
and are released. Figure 4-3. In the presence of calcium ions, the ATP head of the myosin
myofilaments is activated, causing the myosin myofilament to be pulled along the actin
myofilament. The myosin makes contact with the next segment of actin and is pulled
along again. This action is repeated over and over, with the actin and myosin sliding
along each other, thereby shortening the length of the sarcomere and causing the muscle
to contract. As long as calcium is present, the contraction is maintained. Termination of
contraction is due to reuptake of calcium ions into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The body
stiffening that occurs with rigor mortis upon death is actually the result of permanently
contracted sarcomeres from which calcium has not been removed and taken back up into
the sarcoplasmic reticulum because of the lack of required energy-dependent systems.
A way to visualize this contractile process is to hold your hands out in front of you and
interlace the fingers of your left hand with those on your right hand. The fingers of the
left hand represent actin; those of the right, myosin. As you slide your fingers together,
mimicking a muscle contraction, notice how the thumbs come closer together. Now, if
each thumb represents tendons of the mode that are attached to bones across a joint, it is
easy to visualize how body movement occurs.
The calcium ion is critical to muscle contraction and is released from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum where it is stored. Calcium is released in response to a nerve impulse (action
potential) generated by an axon carried in a motor nerve. Each neuronal axon makes
Muscle types.
Three types of muscle are found
in the body—cardiac, skeletal, and
smooth. Cardiac muscle, found
only in the heart, causes it to
beat; skeletal muscle moves body
parts under voluntary control;
smooth muscle causes constriction
of blood vessels and squeezing of
hollow organs such as the stomach
under involuntary (autonomic)
contact with a number of muscle cells; the combination is termed a motor unit. Figure 4-4.
A motor unit is an axon and all the muscle cells that it connects with and innervates.
When an electrical impulse travels down a motor axon, all of the muscle cells within the
motor unit that it innervates contract simultaneously.
The connection between the motor axon and muscle cell is called the myoneural (also
called neuromuscular) junction. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) is released in
packets called synaptic vesicles from the axon terminal. ACh, in turn, stimulates acetylcholine
receptors found in the highly folded postjunctional membrane of the muscle cell. The
action of acetylcholine is stopped by acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down
the acetylcholine. Some nerve poisons work as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, causing
sustained diffuse muscle contraction, resulting in death.
aFIGURE 4-2.
Microscopic view
of muscle cell.
4-2a: Each muscle cell consists of
hundreds of two types of myo-
fibrils—actin and myosin—that
are bundled together to form a
contracting unit, the sarcomere.
With muscle contraction, the two
myofibrils slide across each other
powered by the energy molecule
adensine triphosphate (ATP).
4-2b: Multiple myofibrils are
bundled together to form a muscle
fascicle, wrapped together by con-
nective tissue (endomysium). A
number of fascicles are wrapped
together by another connec-
tive tissue layer, the perimysium.
The entire muscle is wrapped
by a third connective tissue, the
epimysium. Covering the muscle is
a loose connective tissue, fascia. A
tendon is a connective tissue seg-
ment that attaches the muscle to
the periosteum covering of bone.

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