The Building Blocks of Human Anatomy

AuthorSamuel D. Hodge, Jr./Jack E. Hubbard
ProfessionSkilled litigator, is chair of the department of legal studies at Temple University/Professor of Neurology at the University of Minnesota
The Building Blocks
of Human Anatomy
The spine does not exist as an isolated separate unit, but rather is incorporated and con-
nects with the rest of the body. Consequently, Part 1 of this text is designed to give an
appreciation for the construction of the human body as a whole. Chapter 1 presents an
overview of the systems of the body. Chapter 2 discusses the imaging methods used to
peer inside of the body. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 present those body systems that are most
critical to the functioning of the spine—the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems,
respectively. Since pain is often central to disability due to spinal problems, chapter 6
examines the concepts and aspects of pain in general.

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