SEC Matters

Published date01 September 2015
Date01 September 2015
© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online in Wiley Online Library (
DOI 10.1002/jcaf.22090
SEC Matters
Donald A. Walker Jr.
When the SEC established
the Office of the Whistleblower
and attendant regulations, the
staff did not anticipate the
volume and quality of whistle-
blower tips it has received to
date. It apparently also did
not anticipate the strength and
breadth of debate over con-
fidentiality agreements that
whistleblower cases have raised.
Chair White, in her address to
the Northwestern University
School of Law’s Garrett Insti-
tute on April 30, 2015, entitled
“The SEC as the Whistleblow-
er’s Advocate,” stated:
Dodd‐Frank expanded
the protections and
remedies for retaliation
against whistleblowers
that were first laid out
in Sarbanes‐Oxley. The
scope of the prohibi-
tion against retaliation
is appropriately broad:
employers cannot “dis-
charge, demote, suspend,
threaten, harass, directly
or indirectly, or in any
other manner discrimi-
nate against, a whistle-
blower in the terms and
conditions of employ-
ment because of any
lawful act done by the
whistleblower to provide
information or assistance
to the Commission. …
The Enforcement
Division has been
focused on companies
that use agreements or
other mechanisms to
improperly stifle whis-
tleblowers from coming
forward. On April 1,
2015, we announced
our first enforcement
action against a com-
pany for using confi-
dentiality agreements
that could potentially
stifle the whistleblowing
process. We charged the
company with violating
Rule 21F‐17 because
it required witnesses in
certain internal inves-
tigations to sign con-
fidentiality statements
with language warning
that employees could
face discipline, including
termination, if they dis-
cussed the subject mat-
ter of the interview with
outside parties without
prior approval.…
Rule 21F‐17 clearly
states that no action
may be taken to
impede an individual
from communicating
directly with the Com-
mission staff about
possible securities law
violations, including by
enforcing or threaten-
ing to enforce confi-
dentiality agreements
that could be read
tolimit such communi-
cations. …
We also know that
retaliation against
starkly, sometimes
more subtly—and that
is very troubling. For
the SEC’s part, we are
working hard to foster
a safe environment
for whistleblowers by
investigating and charg-
ing those who retaliate
as well as those who,
whether inadvertently
or not, take actions or
use agreements that
could chill the willing-
ness of employees to
report violations of law
to the SEC. …
On April 1, 2015, the SEC
announced its first enforcement
action against a company for

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