Scenario planning helps prepare for future crises

Date01 February 2021
Published date01 February 2021
B&A For Board Members
DOI 10.1002/ban © 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC • All rights reserved
Scenario planning helps prepare
for future crises
Many nonprof‌its have put off—or scaled back—
their strategic planning this year, because with
everything else going on, they haven’t had the time
and resources to commit to it or because they’ve
opted to take a short-term, triage-based ap-
proach aimed at getting through to the end of the
With recently approved vaccines being rolled out
across the country, some groups may be think-
ing the worst is behind them. But experts suggest
keeping your guard up about the many different
“what ifs” that could still play out and making
plans to address a wider array of scenarios that
could impact your operations.
According to Making Sense of Uncertainty: Non-
prof‌it Scenario Planning During a Crisis, a guide
published by The Bridgespan Group, the f‌irst step
to planning for emergency events like the COVID-
19 pandemic is to identify the key drivers of your
organization’s economics and impact—in basic
terms, your programs, operations and funding.
Then, consider the universe of things that could
possibly affect each of those categories, no matter
how remote.
As the pandemic has shown, nightmare sce-
narios can develop quickly and seemingly out of
thin air—a viral outbreak that started on the other
side of the world spread like wildf‌ire and led to
shutdowns impacting a large swath of the U.S.
economy in a matter of a few months. Nonprof‌its
and their boards would do well to commit to a cri-
sis planning exercise where members brainstorm
on what big developments in the world could con-
ceivably come up in the next 12–18 months—and
then assess how much risk they present to the
In evaluating levels of risk, the Bridgespan
guide says, you should consider three questions:
What is the nature of the risk associated with
the driver?
What is the likelihood that the risk plays
itself out?
If the risk played out, how much of an impact
would it have?
It’s not possible to develop contingency plans for
every possible development, of course. But this ex-
ercise should at least get the organization and its
leadership thinking about a wider f‌ield of potential
scenarios that could impact their operations, so
that they can be more prepared if the need arises.
To access the scenario planning guide in full,
Resources available to help protect
against cybersecurity threats
The importance of cybersecurity for the non-
prof‌it sector was highlighted again recently in a
major way when Philabundance—a hunger relief
organization based in Philadelphia—announced
it had been scammed out of almost $1 million
through an online “phishing” scheme. According
to news reports, scammers inf‌iltrated the organi-
zation’s computer system and mimicked invoices
from a company Philabundance was working with
on the construction of its new community kitchen.
In all, the charity paid some $923,533 to a fraudu-
lent account set up by the thieves.
While cybersecurity measures are often han-
dled by the executive director and IT staff, board
members play a crucial role in setting policy, follow-
ing good cyber practices, and ensuring there’s suff‌i-
cient resources to support cybersecurity operations,
according to board training consultancy BoardEf-
fect. To that end, the company has developed a free,
interactive webinar that explores how boards can
better prepare for cyber-related incidents.
Participants will learn about:
the board’s role in cyber-risk oversight,
the latest trends in cyber-risk and
how boards can leverage technology to be
better prepared.
For more information, the webinar can be ac-
cessed online at

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