Return to work: Revise policies, procedures.

As states lift their shutdown orders, employees are returning to the workplace. But you can't just swing your doors open. Organizations are rethinking every internal process because each step carries potential safety and legal risks. Distancing, testing and cleaning will be your focus for the coming months. Some key issues: Remote work. Continue to allow it when possible. If you don't yet have a telework policy that clarifies eligibility, hours, communication, expenses, etc., write one. (Find a customizable agreement at

Staffing. Stagger shift start- and end-times to prevent employees for congregating. Reduce the number of employees in the office at a time. (Example being used: Workers with last names A-M work in the office certain days, and N-Z work there other days.)

Facility. Set capacity limits on meeting rooms. Mark the ground to identify six-foot lengths while in lines or work areas. Make clear the six-foot rule (when possible) is company policy. Identify high-touch areas and consider ways to reduce contact. Example: New time clocks are voice controlled and include temperature scanners.

Testing. Until COVID...

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