
When the Insurance Antitrust Handbook was first published in 1995,
it was intended to serve as a desktop reference tool for legal advisors in
the insurance industry who do not necessarily specialize in antitrust law.
The Handbook could not have been timelier, coming shortly after the
United States Supreme Court's decision in Hartford Fire Insurance v.
California altered the scope of the insurance industry's McCarran-
Ferguson Act exemption, and changes in state antitrust laws applicable to
the insurance industry were occurring all across the country. These
developments required legal advisors to re-examine fundamental industry
practices, and the Handbook provided useful guidance on these issues and
advice regarding how antitrust issues in the insurance industry were likely
to be assessed over the coming years in light of these emerging principles.
Since its publication, the Insurance Antitrust Handbook has proven to be
a valuable resource to practitioners on these issues.
Over 20 years later, and following publication of the Second Edition,
the insurance industry seems to be regularly in the headlines regarding
antitrust-related issuesincluding merger challenges, state and federal
antitrust enforcement actions, and private party multidistrict litigation
class action proceedings.
Because this Third Edition of the Handbook clearly stands on the
shoulders of the First and Second Edition, the Insurance and Financial
Services Committee would like to first thank all who contributed to the
creation of the earlier works. We are indebted to them for their efforts,
without which this Third Edition would not have been possible.
The Committee would also like to thank Renata Hesse and Elai Katz,
the Committee's immediate past-Chairs, for commencing this project and
stewarding it through its early stages. Without their efforts, this Third
Edition would never have come to fruition. The Committee would further
like to thank the following contributors to this Third Edition: R. J ohn
Street; John W. Bauer; Eugene J. Benick; Amanda Berndt; Fr ank
Blechschmidt; Sara Ann Bro wn; Thomas Bush; Jason D. Evans; Beth L.
Fancsali; Michael Fessinger; Barry Golden; Randall A. Hack; Caroline
Malone; Becket McGrath; Trupti Reddy; Andy Rodheim; John Seber; Lisa
Simmons; Rowe W. Snider; Ryan Staine; Margaret Truesdale; and Samuel

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