Paul McCartney campaign.

PositionABAMN 2006 Financial Marketing Awards: Runner-Up: Brand Campaign; Assets over $1 Billion - Brief article


Institution: Fidelity Investments

Assets: Arnold Worldwide

This campaign was based on a partnership involving Fidelity, Sir Paul McCartney and the MusicLives Foundation.

The goal was to establish Fidelity's retirement leadership by generating in-person consultations with customers. The target audience was affluent, pre-retiree baby boomers (ages 45 to 60).

The media placements included some that were not typical for Fidelity, such as Rolling Stone magazine.

The campaign included print, collateral, online and a special promotion--Fidelity Compilation compact disks were given to Fidelity clients as a thank-you for completing a retirement portfolio review.


SFX: Violin

Announcer: Kids who study music score higher on their SATs and are less likely to drop out of school.

SFX: Orchestra music

Announcer: The problem is there aren't enough instruments to go around.

SFX: noise of kids switching instruments


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