Patents and Patent Languages

AuthorSteven H. Voldman
ProfessionIs an IEEE Fellow and graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
From Invention to Patent: A Scientist and Engineer’s Guide. First Edition. Steven H. Voldman.
© 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, patent search engines and the language of patents are discussed. In
order to understand the process, it is important to understand the language of patents.
Patent offices [1–5], patent search engines [6, 7], patent examination [8], and patent
books and courses [9–25] are discussed.
3.2 Patent Search Engines
Patent search engines are important to learn how to do a patent search [1–7, 26]
(Figure3.1). Using patent search engines , an inventor can review other patents that
exist to know how to write their own patents. Patent search engines can allow you to see
how patents are structured, written, and processed. You can use the search engines as a
learning tool to better to define your invention and tool. One can use search engines for
many other purposes as well.
3.2.1 US Patent andTrademark Office (USPTO)
A good place to start is the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) web-
site [1]. The USPTO website displays information about the language of patents as well
as the ability to do a patent search. There is a search engine for existing patents that
have “issued” and patent applications that have “not yet issued.” A Boolean search using
AND and OR functions can be performed. Key words can be place d in the graphical
unit interface (GUI) to do the search.
3.2.2 Pat2PDF
Historically, patent attorneys had to pay for access of the patent art and to provide
searches. Today, there are free patent search engines for use. A patent search engine
where a printable PDF can be obtained is known as “Pat2PDF” [6]. The website url is [6]. The website allows to do a search for a specific patent if
you have the issued patent number.
Patents andPatent Languages

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