A Patch with the Dev-il: How the Development of Autonomous Vehicle Software Will Challenge Attorney-Client Privilege

AuthorDawson Honey
PositionJ.D., Georgetown University Law Center (expected May 2022); B.A., The College of Wooster (2019)
A Patch with the Dev-il: How the Development of
Autonomous Vehicle Software Will Challenge
Attorney-Client Privilege
As Hurricane Irma approached the Florida coast, Tesla released a software
update that temporarily boosted the range of all of their vehicles in the area to
help those fleeing the storm.
The proliferation of software features in tradition-
ally mechanical vehicles poses novel ethical questions to developers, engineers,
and lawyers.
Software patches can be applied remotely, allowing manufacturers
to instantaneously shift the behavior of entire fleets of vehicles.
However, not all
vehicle software updates proceed from good intentions. In 2015, Volkswagen cir-
cumvented pollution limits by installing software that temporarily improved the
engine’s emissions whenever it detected that the vehicle was being tested.
Autonomous Vehicle (AV) software is on a collision course with compli-
cated ethical questions that will entangle the moral choices of developers with the
legal obligations of the lawyers who represent them.
The hardware to control
vehicles already exists, but the software for truly independent driving is an
ongoing effort that has seen steady improvement through regular patches.
Hurricane Irma incident demonstrates that an AV company could introduce an
unannounced software patch to all of their vehicles that would instantly change
the way their autonomous features operate.
A central issue in the morality of AVs is how software will be programmed to
deal with conflicting or ambiguous situations. Computers are not limited by
* J.D., Georgetown University Law Center (expected May 2022); B.A., The College of Wooster (2019).
© 2021, Dawson Honey.
1. Brian Fung, As Hurricane Irma bore down, Tesla gave some Florida drivers more battery juice. Here’s
why that’s a big deal, WASH. POST (Sept. 11, 2017), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/
big-deal/ [https://perma.cc/95NQ-LZFY].
2. See generally Sven Nyholm & Jilles Smids, The Ethics of Accident-Algorithms for Self-Driving Cars: an
Applied Trolley Problem?, ETHIC THEORY MORAL PRAC. (Jul. 28, 2016).
3. See id.
4. Russell Hotten, Volkswagen: The scandal explained, BBC (Dec. 10, 2015), https://www.bbc.com/news/
business-34324772 [https://perma.cc/3SNX-PVKV].
5. Nyholm & Smids, supra note 2 at 1281.
6. See Steven Loveday, Elon Musk Says Tesla Is ’Very Close’ To Level 5 Self-Driving Technology, INSIDE
EEVS (Jul. 9, 2020), https://insideevs.com/news/433141/elon-musk-tesla-level-5-autonomous-driving/ [https://

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