"I will point Out hypocrisy".

PositionBETWEEN THE LINES - Quotation

"In train stations, at but stops, online, even on our coffee cups, Chevron ads are tying to convince us that the key to ending our energy crisis is individual action. Over pictures of everyday Americans, taglines form Chevron's Will you Join Us' ad campaign read:

'I will leave the car at home more.'

'I will take my golf clubs out of the trunk.'

'I will replace 3 light bulbs with CFLs.'

'I will finally get a programmable thermostat.'

'I will consider buying a hybrid.'




All good ideas, certainly, but no matter how many clubs they're carrying in their golf bags, no matter how many light bulbs they change, no matter how hard they consider that hybrid, the folks at Chevron could probably do a little more."




I will spend...

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