GRATTAN, C. HARTLEY. Introducing Aus tralia. Pp. xvi, 331. New York: The John Day Co., 1942. $3.00

AuthorAlfred Manes
Published date01 May 1942
Date01 May 1942
Subject MatterArticles
for instance, in Peter Viereck’s Metapolitics
all important matters quite thoroughly. So
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941), Mel-
he is able to offer an objective as well as a
vin Rader’s No Compromise (New York:
critical, first-class information of scientific
The Macmillan Company, 1939), and oth-
value regarding people, culture, economy,
And Lee’s premise that &dquo;the real fault
government, and politics of what I have
that lay with the victor powers at the end
called in my book on the same subject &dquo;The
of the World War was their failure to at-
Land of Social Miracles.&dquo;
tempt a genuine democratic new order along
Australia, with its seven million inhabit-
the lines suggested by liberals all over the
ants, presents a rather complicated mixture.
world and ably epitomized by Woodrow
This almost pure British-settled colony,
Wilson&dquo; (p. 422) is to the reviewer a vague
with a democratic spirit, is strongly devoted
kind of &dquo;wishful thinking&dquo; which fails to
to the King in London. On the other hand,
see that even the most &dquo;genuine democratic
since 1900 its constitutional organization
new order&dquo; could not avoid the brutality of
has been widely influenced by that of the
power politics, and that the very horrible
United States. Up to most recent times it
situation facing us today is the result of the
has been completely dependent in foreign
wishy-washy &dquo;liberal&dquo; policies of the de-
affairs on the English motherland. In con-
mocracies in doing everything possible to
trast to England, Australia is characterized
avoid the Realpolitik of the totalitarian
by government initiative which for decades
states. Here Lee needs a real dose of E. H.
has promoted its economic development
Carr’s The Twenty Years’ Crisis (New
more than have free enterprises. In do-
York: The Macmillan Company, 1940),
mestic affairs it always has had its own
which unfortunately is not even noted in
standards, characterized during many dec-

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