Fighting fraud with proactive prevention techniques.

Byline: Tracy Coenen

Companies devote significant time and money to the task of making sure that their customers don't steal from them. But how much time do they spend considering the risk that their own employees are stealing from them? That risk is great, so great that the annual internal fraud losses in the United States total an estimated $652 billion, according to the most recent study completed by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Each year, the average company loses 5 percent of revenues to internal fraud. This adds up quickly, especially for companies that are operating with little or no profit margin. Five percent of that company's revenues can mean the difference between being in business or filing bankruptcy. It pays to implement aggressive fraud prevention techniques because they can save the company significant money in the long run. The cost to implement procedures to monitor and restrict activities is far less than the fraud risk that companies face each day.

The Schemes Fraud committed by employees, also termed internal fraud, occupational fraud, or employee dishonesty comes in all shapes and sizes. Every fraud falls into at least one of three main categories: asset misappropriation, bribery and corruption, and financial statement fraud. Asset misappropriations are the frauds we hear about most often. This type of fraud would include activities like inventory theft, check forgery, theft of money, and payroll fraud. The latest statistics show that asset misappropriation occurs in more than 91 percent of fraud schemes. This makes it by far the most common fraud, but it is the least expensive on a per-fraud basis, with an average asset misappropriation costing a company $150,000. Bribery and corruption occur far less often, in more than 30 percent of frauds discovered. This type of fraud includes participation in bribes and kickbacks, and it is common for vendors to bribe employees to help them get favorable contracts or terms. The average corruption case costs a company $538,000. The least common type of fraud, financial statement fraud, is by far the most costly to companies. It centers on the manipulation of financial statements in order to create a financial opportunity for an individual or entity. Financial statement fraud is discovered in over 10 percent of fraud cases, but the average scheme costs a company $2 million. Some cases include more than one type of the above three schemes, which can compound a...

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