Date | 22 September 2023 |
Part 1 of 2
Each year, the Journal provides a compilation of the most important and timely Articles on computers, technology, and the law. The Bibliography, indexed by subject matter, is designed to be a research guide to assist our readers in searching for recent Articles on computer and technology law. This year's annual Bibliography contains over 2,000 Articles, found through the examination of over 700 periodicals.
The Bibliography aims to include topics on every legal aspect of computers and technology. However, as new issues in this field emerge, we welcome your suggestions for additional topics and sources, as well as your commentary on the Bibliography.
COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LAW PRACTICE 457 1.0 General 457 1.1 Computerized Legal Research 458 1.1.0 General 458 1.1.1 Online Legal Research 458 1.2 Law Office Management 458 1.2.0 General 459 1.2.1 Office Automation 459 1.2.2 Case Management 459 1.2.3 Case File Security 459 1.2.4 Internet Access 459 1.3 Selected Uses in the Law Practice 459 1.3.0 General 459 1.3.1 Tax Filing 460 1.3.2 Bankruptcy 460 1.3.3 Estate Planning 461 1.3.4 Real Estate 461 1.3.5 Advertising 461 2. COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LITIGATION 461 2.0 General 461 2.1 Scientific Evidence 462 2.1.0 General 462 2.1.1 Expert Testimony 463 2.1.2 DNA Typing 463 2.1.3 Fingerprint 463 2.1.4 Lie Detection 463 2.1.5 Forensic Evidence 463 2.2 Demonstrative Evidence 464 2.2.0 General 464 2.2.1 Computer-Generated Evidence 464 2.2.2 Audio/Visual Evidence 464 2.3 Electronic Discovery 465 2.4 Courtroom and Judges 466 2.5 Dispute Resolution 468 3. COMPUTERS, TECHNOLOGY AND THE GOVERNMENT 469 3.0 General 469 3.1 Computers, Technology and Law Enforcement 471 3.2 Use of Computers and Technology by the Military 475 3.3 Use of Computers and Technology by State and Federal Legislatures 478 3.4 Regulation of Computers and Technology 480 3.4.0 General 480 3.4.1 First Amendment Concerns 483 3.4.2 Antitrust 485 3.4.3 FCC Regulation 491 3.4.4 SEC Regulation 491 4. ISSUES OF PRIVACY, SECURITY AND CRIME 491 4.0 General 491 4.1 Problems of Privacy 494 4.1.0 General 494 4.1.1 Data Privacy 500 4.2 Security 516 4.2.0 General 516 4.2.1 Cyberwar 520 4.2.2 Encryption and Digital Signatures 521 4.3 Crime 523 4.3.0 General 523 4.3.1 Internet 526 5. COMPUTERS, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION 529 5.0 General 529 5.1 Legal Education 532 6. COMPUTERS, TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS 534 6.0 General 534 6.1 Electronic Commerce 540 6.1.0 General 540 6.1.1 Taxation 547 6.2 Computers in Banking and Finance 549 6.2.0 General 549 6.2.1 On-line Securities Trading 555 6.3 Computers and Technology in the Transportation Industry 559 6.4 Computers and Technology in the Publishing Industry 562 6.5 Computers and Technology in Advertising 562 6.6 Computers and Technology in Accounting 562 7. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION OF COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY 563 7.0 General 563 7.1 Patent 570 7.1.0 General 570 7.1.1 Software Patent 578 7.1.2 Biotech Patent 578 7.2 Software Copyright 581 7.2.0 General 581 7.2.1 User Interface 583 7.2.2 Fair Use 583 7.2.3 Video Game 584 7.3 Digital Copyright 585 7.3.0 General 585 7.3.1 Electronic Compilation 590 7.3.2 Computer Database 591 7.3.3 Multimedia 592 7.3.4 Computer-Generated Works 593 7.4 Trademark 594 7.5 Trade Secret 599 7.6 Semiconductor Chip Protection 600 7.7 Licencing 600 7.8 Intellectual Property Issues of the Internet 602 7.9 International Developments 604 7.9.0 General 604 7.9.1 GATT-TRIPS 604 7.9.2 NAFTA 605 7.9.3 Developments in Canada 605 7.9.4 Developments in Mexico and Latin America 605 7.9.5 Developments in Australia and New Zealand 606 7.9.6 Developments in Africa 606 7.9.7 Developments in Asia 607 7.9.8 Developments in Western Europe 610 7.9.9 Developments in Eastern Europe and Russia 612 8. COMPUTERS AND LEGAL REASONING 613 8.0 General 613 8.1 Artificial Intelligence 614 9. LEGAL ISSUES OF THE INTERNET 630 9.0 General 630 9.1 ISP and Internet Access 631 9.1.0 General 631 9.1.1 Net Neutrality 632 9.2 Domain Names 633 9.3 Civil Procedure in Cyberspace 633 9.4 Online Communities 633 9.4.0 General 633 9.4.1 Social Networking 638 9.4.2 Virtual Worlds 648 9.5 First Amendment Concerns 650 10. LAW AND TECHNOLOGY 653 10.0 General 653 10.1 Technology Transfer 654 10.2 Audio/Video Recording 655 10.3 Space Law 655 10.4 Medical Technology 659 10.4.0 General 659 10.4.1 Electronic Records 666 10.5 Science and Technology 667 10.5.0 General 667 10.5.1 Biotechnology 668 10.5.2 Pharmaceuticals 672 10.5.3 Stem Cells and Cloning 674 10.5.4 Nanotechnology 674 10.6 Environmental Law 674 10.6.0 General 674 10.6.1 Pollution 680 10.6.2 Hazardous Substances 682 10.6.3 Electromagnetic Fields 682 10.6.4 Nuclear Technology 683 10.6.5 Energy and the Environment 683 10.6.6 International Environmental Law Developments 689 10.7 Television 692 10.7.0 General 693 10.7.1 Satellite Television 694 10.7.2 Cable Television 694 10.8 Telecommunications 695 10.8.0 General 695 10.8.1 Telephone 696 10.8.2 Multimedia in Telecommunications 697 10.8.3 International Telecommunications Developments 697 10.9 Recording Industry 699 10.10 Broadband 699 11. FAMILY LAW 699 12. OTHER 700 1. COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LAW PRACTICE
Erick R. Cardenas & Valeria M. Molano, Smart Contracts and Automation as Applied Developments of Legal Tech in Colombia, 18 DIREITO GV L. REV. 1 (2022).
Salvatore Caserta, The Sociology of the Legal Profession in the Digital Age, 29 INT'L J. LEGAL PRO. 319 (2022).
Michael Conklin & Ruben Ceballos, The Ethics of Investing in Cryptocurrencies, 21 FLA. ST. U. BUS. REV. 69 (2022).
Michele DeStefano et al., Don't Let the Digital Tail Wag and Transformation Dog: A Digital Transformation Roadmap for Corporate Counsel, 17 J. BUS. & TECH. L. 183 (2022).
Hugh Harsano, Regaining the Technological Competitive Advantage by Supporting NFT, 46 FLETCHER F. WORLD AFF. 155 (2022).
Parker W. Hassard, What's Not to Like?: The EU's Case Against Big Tech and Important Lessons for the United States, 47 N.C. J. INT'I L. REV. 521 (2022).
Heidi F. Kuehl, The Right to Access Legal Information: Progress and Evolving Norms in the Digital Age, 114 L. LIBR. J. 261 (2022).
Kirsten Martin, Manipulation, Privacy, and Choice, 23 N.C. J.L. & TECH.452 (2022).
Natalia Miranda, Analysis of the Likes and Followers of an Influencers' Profile as Intangible Assets, 33 REV. PROP. INMATERIAL 121 (2022).
Mark W. Smith & Dan M. Peterson, Big Data Comes for Textualism: The Use and Abuse of Corpus Linguistics in Second Amendment Litigation, 70 DRAKE L. REV. 387 (2022).
Gineke Wiggers et al., Citation Metrics for Legal Information
Retrieval: Scholars and Practitioners Intertwined?, 22 LEGAL INFO. MGMT. 88 (2022).
Dave Donaldson, Blending Theory and Data: A Space Odyssey, 36 J. ECON. PERSP. 185 (2022).
Lise H. Hall, Overview of Access to Justice via Public Law Libraries in New York State, 114 L. LIBR. J. 189 (2022).
Renana Keydar et al., Modeling Repressive Policing: Computational Analysis of Protocols from the Israeli State Commission of Inquiry into the October 2000 Events, 47 L. & SOC. INQ. 1075(2022).
Susan N. Mart et al., Hunting and Gathering on the Legal Information Savannah, 114 L. LIBR. J. 5 (2022).
Giulia Schneider, Legal Challenges of Al Supported Legal Services: Bridging Principles and Markets, 8 ITALIAN L.J. 243 (2022).
Ben Winters, Lawyered Opacity: Criminal Legal Technology Exacerbates Disparate Impact Cycles and Prevents Trust, 12 J. NAT'L SEC. L. POL'Y 327 (2022).
Arina Gorbatyuk & Adrian Kovacs, Patent Notice (Failure) in the Era of Patent Monetization, 53 INT'L REV. INDUS. PROP. COPYRIGHT L. 506 (2022).
Ashley K. Chase, Exploiting Prisoners: Precedent, Technology, and the Promise of Access to Justice, 12 WAKE FOREST J. L. & POL'y 103 (2022).
Patrick Ganninger, Note, The Future of the ADA: Understanding Title III's Application to Websites, 66 ST. LOUIS UNIV. L.J. 363 (2022).
Houman Shadab, Metasoftware: Building Blocks for Legal Technology, 12 SEATTLE J. TECH., ENV'T, & INNOVATION L. 232 (2022).
Julien Chaisse & Jamieson Kirkwood, Smart Courts, Smart Contracts, and the Future of Online Dispute Resolution, 5 STAN. J. BLOCKCHAIN L. & POL'Y 62 (2022).
Samantha J. Prince, The Shoe is about to Drop for the Platform Economy: Understanding the Current Worker Classification Landscape in Preparation for a Changed World, 52 U. MEMPHIS L. REV. 627 (2022).
Justine Rogers & Felicity Bell, Transforming the Legal Profession: An Interview Study of Change Managers in Law, 42 LEGAL STUD. 446 (2022).
Carla Spivack, The Happy Families of Tax Law, 100 N.C. L. REV. 487 (2022).
Gonzalo Torres, Leveling the Playing Field: Legal Technology Requires Retooling Legal Skill Sets to Stay in the Game, 56 U. SAN FRANCISCO L. REV. 1 (2022).
Ryan Whalen, Defining Legal Technology and Its Implications, 30 INT'L J. L. INFO. TECH. 47 (2022).
Zsolt Zodi, Algorithmic Explainability and Legal Reasoning, 10 THEORY & PRAC. LEGIS. 67 (2022).
Tessa R. Davis, Taxing the Cyborg, 101 OR. L. REV. 137 (2022).
David Gamage & John R. Brooks, Tax Now or Tax Never: Political Optionality and the Case for Current-Assessment Tax Reform, 100 N.C. L. REV. 487 (2022).
Victoria R. Reardon, Note, Live Tax Free or Die: The Increase in Telecommuting and Need for a Federal Uniform State Tax Regulation After New Hampshire v. Massachusetts, 55 SUFFOLK U. L. REV. 587 (2022).
David I. Walker, Tax Complexity and Technology, 97 IND. L.J. 1095 (2022).
Crystal L. Collins, The Future of Electronic Wills in Rhode Island after COVID-19, 27 ROGER WILLIAMS U. L. REV. 423 (2022).
Matthew Fiedler, Note, Post-Pandemic Estate Planning: Analyzing the Recent Changes in Remote Notarization Laws...
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