Could the Rise of Dockless Scooters Change Contract Law?

JurisdictionUnited States,Federal,Georgia
Publication year2020
CitationVol. 71 No. 2

Could the Rise of Dockless Scooters Change Contract Law?

John Kendall

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Could the Rise of Dockless Scooters Change Contract Law?*

I. Introduction

Dockless scooters have been revolutionizing the way individuals in highly populated towns and cities commute on a day-to-day basis across the country.1 Instead of riding the bus, individuals now have the option to pay money to ride scooters short distances and save themselves the hassle of riding on crowded buses.2 Among the many issues and questions this creates for lawyers and lawmakers, one particularly noteworthy issue is whether the electronic waivers and arbitration clauses scooter companies require riders to sign before operating the scooters can shield the scooter companies from liability when the unexpected occurs.3 Currently, the top dockless scooter companies only require riders to submit pictures of their driver's licenses and credit cards or enter alternate payment methods in order to have access to the app.4 These companies do not require, however, riders to submit a picture of them wearing a helmet or other protective gear in order to increase safety.5 Yet, the companies do require the riders to accept a

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terms and conditions statement that waives the scooter companies' liability and generates an arbitration agreement in many cases.6

The scooters from most companies can reach speeds up to about fifteen miles per hour.7 However, a small study recently carried out in California reported that only five percent of users actually wear helmets.8 In that same study, the report found that about 40% of those riders suffered head injuries as a result of not wearing a helmet.9 Many riders also reported broken bones and other injuries as a result of falling off the electric scooters while traveling.10 Shortly after the scooter companies began ramping up business in popular millennial areas, lawsuits began to flood in against the scooter companies for ordinary negligence and "gross negligence."11 One such complaint alleged that the scooter companies "knew and/or should have known that their scooters are, would become and would continue to be an unsafe, dangerous and damaging public nuisance."12

Lawyers and lawmakers should be aware of the types of lawsuits and claims that may be brought by individuals injured on these dockless scooters for a variety of reasons. However, it is important to note which types of lawsuits will be brought and the reasoning behind them at the start. In a recent article published on the American Association for Justice website, author Ira Leesfield and Justin Shapiro generally touch on this subject.13 To begin with, the three important claims to be aware of are: (1) failure to warn, (2) negligent maintenance, and (3) failure to provide necessary equipment.14 While this Comment will focus primarily on the waiver provisions of these claims, it is important to understand what the waivers protect the scooter companies from.

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The failure to warn argument primarily stems from the idea that the scooter companies have failed to warn riders of the possible dangers and risks associated with operating the scooters regardless of if they are wearing a helmet or not.15 There is likely an assumption of the risk argument against this liability theory; however, that will be discussed in more detail later in the Comment. The next main argument is the scooter company's negligent maintenance of the scooters.16 Assuming something malfunctioned on the scooter, it will be the scooter company's duty to produce evidence that the company properly inspected and maintained the scooters on a regular basis.17 Lastly, an important legal argument will be the failure of the scooter companies to provide necessary equipment to operate the dockless scooters.18 Head injuries will continue to occur on these scooters, and this argument may prove effective when trying to prove the scooter companies' liability.19

After examining the general types of claims, the issue is that the main defenses scooter companies raise are that the individual riders have waived any claims against the scooter companies by agreeing to the terms of service.20 Moreover, the scooter companies have included arbitration clauses in the agreements riders must accept before being allowed to operate the dockless scooters.21 Many jurisdictions interpret these clauses in different ways, and depending on where you are, scooter companies will be more protected.22 This Comment will focus mainly on how states in the Southeast, particularly Georgia, are likely to interpret these clauses and protect individual riders against the scooter companies. After discussing the contract principles of arbitration and waiver liability, this Comment will delve into when and how these issues arise, and what that means for the legal side of things in the future.

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II. The Dockless Scooter Agreement

To begin with, this Section will go through the important terms and clauses found in the user agreements that will be the crux of litigation when things go wrong while operating dockless scooters. The relevant "Binding Arbitration" clause can be found within the terms of services or rental agreements for various scooter companies.23 For the scooter company known as Bird, the arbitration clause reads as follows:

If the parties do not reach an agreed upon solution through the support process, then either party may initiate binding arbitration as the sole means to resolve claims, subject to the terms set forth below. Specifically, all claims arising out of or relating to use and rental of a Vehicle, this Agreement, and the parties' relationship with each other shall be finally settled by binding arbitration administered by JAMS, or alternatively a mutually agreed upon arbitrator or arbitration service, under the applicable commercial arbitration rules for JAMS or the mutually agreed upon arbitration service, excluding any rules or procedures governing or permitting class actions.24

This arbitration clause essentially requires individuals to go through the dockless scooter company customer support system in the event of an accident no matter what. If that proves unsuccessful, then either of the parties can initiate arbitration, which will result in a binding settlement.

The Bird rental agreements go onto explain that individuals may only sue in an individual capacity and may not bring a class action against the company.25 Furthermore, the relevant "waiver" clause states as follows:

In exchange for Rider being allowed to use Bird Services, Vehicles, and other equipment or related information provided by Bird, Rider agrees to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless Bird and all of its owners, managers, affiliates, employees, contractors, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, and to the fullest extent permitted by law any Municipality (including its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, agents, contractors, and volunteers) in which Rider utilizes Bird Services, and every property owner or operator with whom Bird has contracted to operate Bird Services and all of such parties' owners, managers, affiliates, employees, contractors, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns

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(collectively, the "Released Persons") from liability for all "Claims" arising out of or in any way related to Rider's use of the Bird Services, Vehicles, or related equipment, including, but not limited to, those Claims based on Released Persons' alleged negligence, breach of contract, and/or breach of express or implied warranty, except for Claims based on Released Persons' gross negligence or willful misconduct. Such released are intended to be general and complete releases of all Claims.26

Other dockless scooter companies have similar language; however, for practical purposes this Comment will consider only the language found in Bird's terms of services and agreements.27

III. Arbitration Clause Enforceability

One of the biggest obstacles in scooter litigation is that dockless scooter companies require users to e-sign boilerplate arbitration provisions before allowing them to operate the scooters.28 This proves to be detrimental to individuals harmed on the scooters as well as to third parties injured on roads and sidewalks as a result of a scooter rider's negligence.29 Because these claims are decided pursuant to the arbitration clauses, most of the time big scooter companies are protected from a court of law finding the large company liable.30

The relevant statutory law can be found in O.C.G.A. § 9-9-231 under Georgia law. That code section provides that arbitration clauses are generally enforceable under Georgia law.32 However, the code section specifically holds that there is an exception when an arbitration clause discusses any future personal injury claims.33 Specifically, Georgia's Arbitration statutes do not apply to "[a]ny agreement to arbitrate future claims arising out of personal bodily injury or wrongful death based on tort."34 Moreover, when arbitration clauses come into question

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between two parties, Georgia courts have historically held that "the construction of an arbitration agreement, like any other contract, presents a question of law."35

To better understand how these arbitration clauses will likely be enforced, it is important to understand that the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA)36 preempts any state law insofar as state law speaks to an issue addressed in the Act.37 "The FAA preempts any state law that conflicts with its provisions or undermines the enforcement of private arbitration agreements."38 In Davidson v. A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.,39 the Georgia Court of Appeals allowed for the arbitration clause to apply to personal injury claims by finding that "[a]lthough this Court has not previously addressed whether the FAA preempts OCGA § 9-9-2(c)(10), insofar as it exempts from...

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