#CorpGov: What's Trending.


Directors & Boards @DirectorsBoards

Companies that receive the assistance are barred from making furloughs, pay cuts, or stock buybacks, and from issuing dividends to investors, through September. It also institutes limits on executive compensation.

Directors & Boards @DirectorsBoards

Make sure you keep track of your board communications even when you're meeting at a distance. #corpgov

directorsandboards.com/news/practical ...

Directors & Boards @DirectorsBoards

As auto makers consider stepping in, major ventilator makers said Wednesday night and Thursday morning they were vastly increasing production. #ESG at work?

Directors & Boards @DirectorsBoards

Berkshire Hathaway's shareholder meeting, the "Woodstock for Capitalists" will be online only due to coronavirus threat. #corpgov

Mark Cuban @mcuban

How companies treat employees during this pandemic will define their brand for decades

Mark Cuban says how companies treat workers during pandemic could define ...

"Not only is it a safety issue, it's a business issue," Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban told CNBC


Robert J. Tannous @BobTannous

stanfordcorpgov: RT @DirectorsBoards: The...

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