'Citizens' Guide' highlights financial report information in accessible format.

PositionNews & Numbers - Department of the Treasury - Office of Management and Budget

The Department of the Treasury and the Office of Management and Budget issued a "Citizens' Guide" to highlight certain short- and long-term financial information in the 2007 Financial Report of the United States Government. The U.S. Government Accountability Office, which audits the U.S. government's consolidated financial statements included in the financial report, has for some time urged the creation of a user-friendly summary report that can be easily read and understood.

"With its more clear and concise language, this guide represents an important step forward in improving public understanding of the federal government's true financial condition and fiscal challenges, both today and over the longer term." said Comptroller General David M. Walker. "This is an important step in making key government information more accessible to the public and enabling the public to better hold the government accountable. We at GAG look forward to working with Treasury and OMB to further refine this document in future years."

The guide shows that over the past three years, the government's short-term finances have...

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