Chapter I. Introduction
Pages | 1-4 |
Joint ventures – often referred to as “competitor collaborations” –
have become increasingly popular over the last decade, both
domestically and internationally.1 Indeed, actual and potential
competitors formed joint ventures with such increasing frequency during
the late 1980s and early 1990s that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
and the Department of Justice (DOJ) formed their own collaboration to
examine the antitrust principles that should be utilized to review such
ventures.2 In April 2000 the DOJ and the FTC produced the Antitrust
Guidelines for Collaborations Among Competitors (Collaboration
Guidelines), the outcome of their Joint Venture Project.3
Prior to the promulgation of the Collaboration Guidelines, the courts
and agencies often struggled over the standards that should be used to
review business arrangements between competitors that did not clearly
fall within either the prohibition of per se unlawful activity or arms-
length contractual arrangements.4 Additional problems were caused by
1 See, e.g., Thomas A. Piraino, Jr., A Proposed Antitrust Approach to
Collaborations Among Competitors, 86 IOWA L. REV. 1137 (2001); Jon G.
Shepherd, Editor’s Note, Symposium: Antitrust Scrutiny of Joint Ventures,
66 ANTITRUST L.J. 641, 641 (1998); Symposium, Antitrust, Joint Ventures,
and Electric Utility Restructuring, 64 ANTITRUST L.J. 267 (1996);
Symposium, Joint Ventures, Including Strategic Alliances, to Develop
Computer Technology, 61 ANTITRUST L.J. 859 (1993).
2 See Comment and Hearings on Joint Venture Project, 62 Fed. Reg. 22,945
(Apr. 28, 1997) (“Project Hearings”). The Joint Venture Project actually
grew out of the Fall 1995 Federal Trade Commission Hearings on global
and innovation-based competition, id. at 22,946, where a “substantial
majority of participants cited antitrust law as it applies to joint ventures” to
be the area that “seemed least clear and . . . most out of date.” FTC
Chairman Robert Pitofsky, Opening Statement, Hearings on the Joint
Venture Project (June 2, 1997).
3 U.S. Dep’t of Justice & Federal Trade Comm’n, Antitrust Guidelines for
Collaborations Among Competitors, reprinted in 4 Trade Reg. Rep. (CCH)
¶ 13,161 (Apr. 12, 2000), available at
04/ftcdojguidelines.pdf [hereinafter Collaboration Guidelines].
4 See, e.g., Charles D. Weller, A “New” Rule of Reason from Justice
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