Chapter 2. Clearing Customs: The Importation, Entry, and Liquidation Process
Author | Paul Hegland |
Pages | 9-37 |
Clearing Customs: The
Importation, Entry, and
Liquidation Process
Paul Hegland
All goods imported into the Customs territory of the United States must be
cleared or “entered” through U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). CBP
requirements and procedures for merchandise imported into the United States
begin before the goods are loaded aboard the vessel or other means of transporta-
tion from the country of export, continue through arrival of the goods into the
United States, and do not conclude until long after the goods are released by CBP.
There are many potential pitfalls that may result in excess duties, exclusion or
denial of entry of the merchandise, or penalty actions by CBP throughout the
process. Most steps in the process are time sensitive.
This chapter is divided into four sections: () pre-entry preparation and
requirements, (2) entry processes and requirements, (3) CBP examination, deten-
tion, and release, and (4) post-entry procedures, finality, and correctability of
Clearing goods through CBP occurs at one of the over 325 local CBP ports
of entry located throughout the U.S. Customs territory.2 Numerous CBP officials
are involved in the clearing process, including import specialists, who review the
paperwork or filings submitted by importers, and officers, who physically inspect
goods before release. There are many different methods used to clear goods
through CBP, depending on the intent of the importer. There are also special
entry requirements for people, personal property, and vessels arriving in the
United States. This chapter focuses on the importation and entry of commercial
goods, and the most common type of commercial transactions, namely imports
for consumption in the United States. In Chapter 6, “Duty Savings Opportunities:
Introduction to Trade Agreements, Unilateral Preference Programs, and Other
Duty Savings Mechanisms,” we address other types of Customs clearance meth-
ods and processes for commercial goods, which allow importers to reduce duties
or avoid certain import requirements, including temporary imports for immediate
The editors would like to thank Alex Schaefer, Counsel, Crowell & Moring, and Nicole Jenkins, Associate, Crowell
& Moring, for the assistance they provided in the preparation of this chapter.
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Pre-Entry Preparation
and Requirements
(Before Shipment)
• Right to make entry
• Customs broker
• Customs bond
• Other agency
• HTS classification,
valuation, origin
• Support for prefer-
ence claims
Importer Security
Filing (ISF)—No less than
24 hours before vessel
departs foreign port.
merchandise arrives at port
(Sea) or in U.S. customs
territory (Other).
Time of Entry—Entry must
be filed within 15 calendar
days after importation.
Entry Summary/Entry Docu-
mentation—Must file entry
summary with duty payment
within ten working days after
entry if filed separately from
entry documentation.
reserved for high-risk
Liquidation—Occurs in a
cycle of 314 days after the
date of entry. By statute
and Customs regulations
one year from the date of
Post-Entry Procedures
• Supplemental Informa-
tion Letters/Post-Entry
• Reconciliation
Detention or Release—
Customs has five days to
either detain or release the
Extension of Time for Liq-
uidation—May be extended
up to one year at a time for
a total of four years from
the date of entry.
Suspension of Time for
Liquidation—After removal
of suspension entry must
be liquidated within six
months after receiving
notice of removal.
begins 180-day period for
filing a protest against the
decisions in the
Customs Entry Time Flow Chart
export, temporary imports for processing and export, and imports into bonded
warehouses or foreign trade zones.
To the extent possible, this review of the import and entry process is orga-
nized in the sequence that the procedures of the entry process occur. Because of
the complicated nature of these processes, and because of the existence of time
deadlines throughout, we begin with a time-oriented flow chart, before examining
the process in greater detail.
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