U.S. Customs: A Practitioner’s Guide to Principles, Processes and Procedures

- Publisher:
- American Bar Association
- Publication date:
- 2009-01-01
- 978-1-60442-450-8
- Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview
- Chapter 2. Clearing Customs: The Importation, Entry, and Liquidation Process
- Chapter 3. The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States and Tariff Classification
- Chapter 4. The Valuation of Imported Merchandise
- Chapter 5. The Country of Origin of Imported Merchandise and Marking Requirements
- Chapter 6. Duty Savings Opportunities: Introduction to Trade Agreements, Unilateral Preference Programs, and Other Duty Savings Mechanisms
- Chapter 7. Maintaining Importation Documents: Recordkeeping Obligations
- Chapter 8. Border Protection Decisions
- Chapter 9. Customs and Border Protection's Examination of Importers' Operations: The Focused Assessment
- Chapter 10. Ensuring Compliance with Basic Customs Requirements: Customs Bonds and Liquidated Damages
- Chapter 11. Customs and Border Protection's Authority to Assess Monetary Penalties and to Seize an Importer's Merchandise
- Chapter 12. Security and Trade Facilitation