Chapter § 1.14 Form: Intake Planning*

JurisdictionUnited States
Publication year2020

§ 1.14 Form: Intake Planning*

Litigation Team

[CLIENT] Attorneys

Name(s) (email)

Firm Attorneys

Name(s) (email)

Other Parties/Attorneys

Related Cases


Vendors/Outsourcing (copy, graphics, court reporters, etc.)

Preferred provider

Vendor rate arrangements

Document Retention Notice


Communication Plan

[CLIENT] Team Leader

Firm Team Leader




Preferred Method of Communications and Frequency

Strategic Considerations

History of Business Relationship

Background of project/contract/dispute

History of business relationship

Key relationship managers on both sides

Key decision makers

Internal and External Business Considerations

Business units affected

Importance of continuing relationships (desired or not important)

Executives/managers/employee groups affected, if any

Key company initiatives affected

Media/publicity concerns (internal and external)

Business considerations (timing, financials, etc.)

Impact on other litigation (e.g., prior positions taken on the issues)

Existing work product around the issues (internal, with other firms, other resources such as Legal OnRamp, etc.)

Unique circumstances (e.g., reduction in force, internal investigations, economic considerations)

Success Parameters

Primary business goal


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