Chair's Foreword

AuthorWilliam Funk - Jeffrey S. Lubbers
Chair’s Foreword
More than a dozen years ago the Federal Administrative Procedure
Sourcebook came to my attention, and it has had a permanent place near my
desk ever since. It has been a valuable reference tool during my time in both
government and private practice. So I am very pleased to introduce this fifth
edition of the Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook.
The new edition of the Sourcebook contains more than 20 of the essen-
tial statutes and presidential directives that relate to the regulatory processes
by which agencies of the federal government operate to make new regula-
tions, clarify policy, convene advisory bodies, make information available,
resolve disputes, and enforce the law. In addition to such familiar statutes as
the Administrative Procedure Act and the Freedom of Information Act, this
volume provides easy access to laws ranging from the Agency Practice Act to
the Negotiated Rulemaking Act to the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. (Un-
like the last edition, which added the Information Quality Act, the most sig-
nificant additions to this edition since 2008 mostly come from the White
House and less so from Congress.) Even a short perusal will quickly demon-
strate that the Sourcebook is an extraordinarily convenient resource for any-
one who is involved with administrative law or regulatory activities.
The Sourcebook is one of the several useful publications provided by the
Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, including indispens-
able guides to agency rulemaking, agency adjudication, judicial and political
review of agency actions, and a blackletter restatement of administrative law,
among others. In addition to its books, the Section also publishes the Adminis-
trative Law Review, the Administrative Law and Regulatory News, the Notice
and Comment Blog, and occasional reports about regulatory issues. I encour-
age you to learn more about these and other Section activities at the Section’s
Lastly, the Section brings together lawyers accomplished in administra-
tive law and regulatory practice from government, the private sector, the
judiciary, and academia. It is thus taken for granted, but still deserves men-
tion, that the Sourcebook’s editors are among the most prominent and re-
spected administrative law scholars in the United States. We are so fortunate
to have the benefit of their work on this new edition. The Sourcebook will

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