Brand Expansion Licensing: The Story of Jeff Lotman, Founder and CEO of Global Icons

Published in Landslide, Volume 14, Number 4, 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the
American Bar Association.
Jennifer L. Rodriguez, Landslide® magazine editor,
contributed to this article.
Whether in-house or within an intellectual property (IP)
practice group, trademark practice is usually based on
clients seeking out counsel regarding how to effectively
protect their brands. Sometimes branding ideas originate within
the business. Other times branding ideas come from outside the
business in the form of a branding pitch, and the player throw-
ing the pitch is often a professional brand licensing agent. Brand
licensing agents are rarely seen in the hallways of an IP practice
group but often are behind-the-scenes inuencers in the work
performed in the ofces.
A brand licensing agent actively seeks out businesses to pres-
ent branding opportunities. This can be particularly benecial to
a brand owner since some opportunities can only be seen from a
third-party perspective. The business is, understandably, focused
on marketing its business in its lane, between the lines of its prod-
uct categories. However, a branding agent isn’t constrained by
focusing solely on the current product lineup. Therefore, a licens-
ing agent can look for creative opportunities to expand the breadth
of a brand.
A well-conceived brand expansion licensing deal can be a huge
win for everyone involved, often providing a relatively unknown
licensee the ability to quickly gain traction in a category outside
the primary business of the licensor, while providing more brand
awareness and exposure for the licensor—not to mention licensing
revenue. Ford sells cars, but it also licenses its brand to nonauto-
motive markets such as apparel, toys, power tools, and art. The
licensee benets from the immediate brand recognition associated
Brand Expansion Licensing
The Story of Je Lotman, Founder
and CEO of Global Icons
Images: Getty Images; image manipulation: Jill Tedhams

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