Book Review: Sex crime, offenders, and society: A critical look at sexual offending and policy

AuthorDanielle J. S. Bailey
Published date01 December 2014
Date01 December 2014
Subject MatterBook Reviews
Lewis’s presentation of the cultural politics of hate crimes is not only thought provoking and
courageous but also has a lasting and valuable contribution. The coverage of smaller nuances
within the topic, richness of the data, depth and objectivity of the analyses, and eloquence of
the language make this book a must read for anyone who has the slightest interest in hate crime
and is not afraid of having his or her perceived notion being challenged.
Mancini, C. (2014).
Sex crime, offenders, and society: A critical look at sexual offending and policy. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic
Press, 316 pp. $45.00, ISBN: 9781611633757
Reviewed by: Danielle J. S. Bailey, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE, USA
DOI: 10.1177/0734016814546353
The term sex offender has become a ubiquitous part of our everyday life. We hear the word batted
around on the news when children are abducted or when child pornography raids are carried out.
We hear it at schoolsand on holidays when parents areencouraged to use the public sex offender reg-
istry to protect children. But how many people actually understand what a sex offender is? Do many
people know how we punish and rehabilitate sexual offenders? How many of us comprehend the
extent to which the criminal justice system has been shapedaround our views and our limited under-
standing of these types of crimes and offenders? Christina Mancini undertakes our enlightenment in
her book Sex Crime, Offenders, and Society: A Critical Look at Sexual Offending and Policy. A won-
derful addition to the sex crime literature, Mancini explores the broad world of sexual offending,
including the realities about sex offenses and sex offending trends, public perceptions of sex offenses
and the offenders that perpetrate them, and criminal justice policies enacted to combat sexual crime.
Divided into three parts, the first section of the book delves into the meaning of the term ‘‘sex
offender.’’In Chapter 1, Mancini discusses the traditional typologies of sex offenses such as the Fed-
eral Bureau of Investigation’s typology of rapists, but also spends time exploring newer classifica-
tion studies for specific subgroups such as juveniles, females, and internet sex offenders. The
discussion of each classification lacks a strong critique at times, particularly of those classifications
determined with very small sample sizes, but readers will still benefit from exposure to the variety of
emerging typologies for this population. Chapters 2 and 3 include detailed descriptions of sex crime
statistic collection techniques and longitudinal data that provides readers with a knowledgeable base
for understanding sex crime trends and perceptions. Although Mancini’s discussion of traditional
instruments such as the National Crime Victimization Survey and the Uniform Crime Report may
be redundant for those familiar with the criminal justice system, her explanation about recent, sex
crime–specific instruments such as the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey or the
National College Women Sexual Victimization Study make a contribution beyond that found in
more broad criminal justice texts.
In section 2, Mancini exposes the stereotypical view of sex offenders to critical analysis. Chapter5
disentangles the various assumptions that make up a ‘‘sex offender’’ anddescribes the empirical basis
for refutation or confirmation of each assumption, while Chapter 6 informs readers about societal
divides in public opinion and attitudes toward sex offenders. I particularly enjoyed Chapter 7, which
focused on the development of sex offender policies in the United States. Traditionally, most discus-
sions of theselaws begin in the early 1900s withthe enactment of civil confinement policies,but Man-
cini digs deeper into American history and provides a short discussion about the treatment of sex
Book Reviews 463

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