Author's Note

AuthorAlexander I. Poltorak/Paul J. Lerner
ProfessionIs the founder, Chairman, and CEO of General Patent Corporation (GPC), an intellectual property (IP) firm focusing on intellectual property strategy and valuation, IP licensing, and enforcement/Is the Senior Vice President and General Counsel of General Patent Corporation (GPC)
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Author’s Note
It is the purpose of this book to introduce the business executive to
the principles underlying the identification, protection, and use of
intellectual property in the business environment. To this end, key
concepts and facts have been described and the authors have attempted
to illustrate how these concepts and facts influence (actually, should in-
fluence) decision making, from the for mulation of routine procedures
to strategic planning. Of necessity, these descriptions are generalized.
Exceptions abound to every rule stated in the following chapters
(your lawyer will, no doubt, be more than happy to enumerate these
exceptions for you). Moreover, the law is a living, constantly evolving
creature. The rules of the game are constantly changing—often in mid-
play and sometimes retroactively. A little knowledge is a dangerous
thing. Before proceeding, review matters with a qualified professional.
Reading this book, however carefully, is no substitute for professional

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