Appendix 4. Planning Forms for Assessing and Prioritizing Sustainability Risks and Opportunities

AuthorWilliam R. Blackburn
Appendix 4
Planning Forms for Assessing and Prioritizing
Sustainability Risks and Opportunities
Comments on Forms A, B, and C
When completing the forms, a rating system of 1 to 5 is suggested but
other rating scales can also be used. Ratings of overall importance or pri-
ority for a line item entered in column i of Forms A or B may be calcu-
lated as a sum or multiple of the other scores entered on the line, or alter-
natively, may be merely a reflection of the general feeling about the im-
portance of the item obtained after glancing at those other scores. While
scores from Form C (impact assessment of sustainability trends) should
be reviewed in completing column f on Form A, this will not usually war-
rant a straight transfer of scores. That’s because there may be several
trends from C—or none at all—that are linked with a given sustainability
topic listed in A. For example, the trend involving “Fresh Water Deple-
tion; Water Contamination” (see Appendix 1.18); and the one on the
“Spread of Hazardous Pollutants” (see Appendix 1.22) may both be rele-
vant to the topic of addressing soil contamination. Formal mathematical
rigor is not required, and scoring can be based on individual judgment af-
ter scanning any relevant information from Form C. In the end, though,
trends with high ratings for business risk or business opportunity should
merit action.

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