
AuthorDavid Koepsell
ProfessionAuthor, philosopher, attorney, and educator whose recent research focuses on the nexus of science, technology, ethics, and public policy
Many thanks must be given to those whom I have spoken to about the
issues discussed herein since the first edition and who helped inform the
updates, including Tania Simoncelli, Luigi Palombi, Joanna Rudnick, Dan
Ravicher, Kevin Noonan, James Watson, and numerous online commenters
who helped point out errors and hone my arguments. Thank you also to my
colleagues at Delft University of Technology, where I have worked the past
6 years and continued discussing and sharpening my approach to the ideas
in this book and others.
I remain grateful to the Yale Interdisciplinary Bioethics Center for
appointing me as their Donaghue Initiative Fellow in Research Ethics,
2006–2007. I drafted a significant portion of this book during that appoint-
ment and had the chance to hash out many of these issues with the staff,
affiliated faculty, and others who participated in events that year. Special
thanks to all the good people at Yale including especially Robert Levine,
Julius Landwirth, Carol Pollard, Autumn Ridenour, and Jonathan Moser.
Thanks also to the folks at the New Haven dog park for keeping my dear
departed Buttercup and me company during my residency at Yale. Many
thanks to my wife Vanessa who gave me significant scientific guidance and
lots of encouragement as I worked out these issues and drafted the original
book and who helped redraft Chapter3 for this edition. Thanks to my 3‐
year‐old daughter, Amelia, whose appearance brought new purpose to my
life and my work. My parents, Eva Hwa and Richard Koepsell provided
commentary and feedback on early drafts of chapters and I am, as always,
grateful for their continuing encouragement. My dear friend Peter Hare,
who passed away in 2008, also kept me company, bought me lunches, and
encouraged my work while at Yale … I am grateful for his guidance and
friendship and will miss him dearly. Thanks to Barry Smith, who has
remained a helpful and encouraging mentor as I pursue the sometimes

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