
AuthorEric E. Johnson
(For both volumes)
First and foremost, I want to acknowledge and thank my students,
particularly my torts students over the years at the University of
North Dakota. They helped me immeasurably to grow as a teacher,
and they provided invaluable feedback for the early forms of material
that evolved into this casebook. A particular note of thanks is due my
2014-2015 torts students. Many of them went above-and-beyond-the-
call in helping me ferret out typos and rework unclear passages. I am
truly indebted to them. I also owe thanks to the faculty, staff, and
administration at the University of North Dakota School of Law for
their considerable support.
Many other people lent me their time and advice to help with this
book. In particular, I grateful to Michael L. Corrado, Patti Alleva,
Murray Tabb, Paul LeBel, Keith Richotte, James Grijalva, Adam
Gutride, Jim Dedman, Brian Schmidt, Devin Rogers, Pete Boll, Susan
Carlson, Karen Martin, Jan Stone, and Kit Johnson. I also want to
thank the anonymous reviewers who, through the CALI editing
process, provided excellent counsel.
In addition, I want to thank many people who have helped me in
indirect but important ways by having illuminating discussions with
me about torts discussions that ultimately helped me frame the
explanations that appear in this book. Those people include Sanne
Knudsen, Paul Gowder, Sandra Sperino, John L. Watts, Bruce L.
Hay, Guido Calabresi, and, most especially, my own torts teacher,
Jon Hanson.
I am also grateful to Justice Raymond D. Austin who suggested
Benally v. Navajo Nation to me as a good teaching case, as well as
Jennifer L. Schulz for making the same suggestion with regard to
Dobson v. Dobson.
Finally, I want to warmly thank Deb Quentel and everyone at CALI
for supporting me in this endeavor. I am grateful to them not only
for their work with regard to this particular project, but also more

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