
AuthorEric E. Johnson
(For both volumes)
What Makes this Casebook Different
This book is different from other casebooks in at least three key
First, and most importantly, this casebook is free. It is free in both
senses of the word. In one sense, it is free in that it does not cost the
reader any money. That is, the price is zero. You can get an
electronic copy for free, or you can buy a printed copy for whatever
the paper and ink costs. You can also print it out yourself, if you’d
like. The no-money sense of free is great, but this casebook is also
free in a deeper sense: It is unfettered by proprietary legal claims
that would prevent it from being abridged, expanded, repurposed, or
adapted. That is to say, this book is “open source.” Consistent with
the terms of the Creative Commons license that this book is
published under, generations of instructors and students will be able
to rip and remix this book to suit their needs.
Next, this casebook is different from many traditional casebooks in
that it has made a deliberate effort to explain the law, rather than
just present a series of readings and questions. All casebooks contain
some explanatory matter, but few casebooks emphasize it. This is
changing. More and more casebooks are built around the idea of
actively explaining concepts to the reader rather than relying solely on
the judicial opinions’ internal exposition. This book embraces that
Finally, this casebook is offered not merely as a one-way
communication. Instead, this book constitutes an invitation to
you. If you are an instructor, please get in touch with me. I’d love to
hear how your class is going, and I would be happy to provide you
with notes, slides, advice, and anything else I can. If you are a
student, I would love to hear your comments about how this
casebook is working and how it could be improved. An advantage of
in-person speaking over writing is that you can see from the reactions

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