1. Administrative Procedure Act

5 U.S.C. §§551-559, 701-706, 1305, 3105, 3344, 5372, 7521 (2000);
originally enacted June 11, 1946 by Pub. L. No. 404, 60 Stat. 237, Ch. 324,
The Administrative Procedure Act (APA), as originally enacted, was re-
pealed by Pub. L. No. 89-554, 80 Stat. 381 (September 6, 1966), as part of
the general revision of title 5 of the United States Code. Its provisions were
incorporated into the sections of title 5 listed above. Although the original
section numbers are used sometimes, in this volume all references to the Act
are to sections of title 5.
Section 552 has been revised significantly and is commonly known as
the “Freedom of Information Act.” Sections 552, 552a (the “Privacy Act”),
552b (the “Government in the Sunshine Act”), and sections 701-706 pertain-
ing to judicial review are discussed and set forth separately. Two significant
amendments to the rulemaking and adjudication procedures of the APA were
first enacted in 1990—the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act and the
Negotiated Rulemaking Act; the Congressional Review of Agency Rulemaking
Act was enacted more recently. All of these laws are discussed separately.
Attempts to regularize federal administrative procedures go back at least
to the 1930s. Early in 1939, at the suggestion of the attorney general, Presi-
dent Roosevelt asked the attorney general to appoint a distinguished commit-
tee to study existing administrative procedures and to formulate
recommendations. The Attorney General’s Committee on Administrative Pro-
cedure, chaired by Dean Acheson, produced a series of monographs on agency
functions, and submitted its Final Report to the President and the Congress in
1941. These materials, plus extensive hearings held before a subcommittee of
the Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1941, are primary historical sources
for the Administrative Procedure Act.
The Administrative Procedure Act was signed into law by President Truman
on June 11, 1946. In the months that followed, the Department of Justice
compiled a manual of advice and interpretation of its various provisions. The
Attorney General’s Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act, published
in 1947 (and reprinted in the Appendix), remains the principal guide to the
structure and intent of the APA. The Manual (page 9) states the purposes of
the Act as follows:
(1) To require agencies to keep the public currently informed of their
organization, procedures and rules.
(2) To provide for public participation in the rulemaking process.
(3) To prescribe uniform standards for the conduct of formal rulemaking
and adjudicatory proceedings (i.e., proceedings required by statute to be made
on the record after opportunity for an agency hearing).
(4) To restate the law of judicial review.
The Act imposes upon agencies certain procedural requirements for two
modes of agency decision making: rulemaking and adjudication. In general,
the term “agency” refers to any authority of the government of the United
States, whether or not it is within, or subject to review by, another agency—
but excluding the Congress, the courts, and the governments of territories,
possessions, or the District of Columbia.1 Definitions of other terms may be
found in section 551.
Structure of the Administrative Procedure Act. The Administrative
Procedure Act has two major subdivisions: sections 551 through 559, dealing
in general with agency procedures; and sections 701 through 706, dealing in
general with judicial review. In addition, several sections dealing with ad-
ministrative law judges (§§1305, 3105, 3344, 5372, and 7521) are scattered
through title 5 of the United States Code. The sections pertaining to judicial
review are discussed in Chapter 2 of this volume. As noted, sections 552,
552a, and 552b are also discussed in separate chapters, as are the new sections
added by the Administrative Dispute Resolution and Negotiated Rulemaking
The structure of the APA is shaped around the distinction between
rulemaking and adjudication, with different sets of procedural requirements
prescribed for each. Rulemaking is agency action that regulates the future
1See 5 U.S.C. §§551(1), 701(b)(1) for other specific exemptions.
conduct of persons, through formulation and issuance of an agency statement
designed to implement, interpret, or prescribe law or policy. It is essentially
legislative in nature because of its future general applicability and its concern
for policy considerations. By contrast, adjudication is concerned with deter-
mination of past and present rights and liabilities. The result of an adjudica-
tive proceeding is the issuance of an “order.” (Licensing decisions are
considered to be adjudication.)
The line separating these two modes of agency action is not always a
clear one, because agencies engage in a great variety of actions. Most agen-
cies use rulemaking to formulate future policy, though there is no bar to
announcing policy statements in adjudicatory orders. Agencies normally use
a combination of rulemaking and adjudication to effectuate their programs.
The APA definition of a “rule,” somewhat confusingly, speaks of an “agency
statement of general or particular applicability and future effect. . . .” The
words “or particular” were apparently included in the definition to encom-
pass such actions as the setting of rates or the approval of corporate reorgani-
zations, to be carried out under the relatively flexible procedures governing
Beyond the distinction between rulemaking and adjudication, the APA
subdivides each of these categories of agency action into formal and informal
proceedings. Whether a particular rulemaking or adjudication proceeding is
considered to be “formal” depends on whether the proceeding is required by
statute to be “on the record after opportunity for an agency hearing” (5 U.S.C.
§§553(c), 554(a)). The Act prescribes elaborate procedures for both formal
rulemaking and formal adjudication, and relatively minimal procedures for
informal rulemaking. Virtually no procedures are prescribed by the APA for
the remaining category of informal adjudication, which is by far the most
prevalent form of governmental action.3
Rulemaking. Section 553 sets forth the basic requirements for
rulemaking: notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register, followed
by an opportunity for some level of participation by interested persons, and
finally publication of the rule, in most instances at least 30 days before it
becomes effective. For a detailed discussion of rulemaking procedures, see
Jeffrey Lubbers’ A Guide to Federal Agency Rulemaking, published by the
American Bar Association (4th ed. 2006).
2For discussion of the inclusion of “or particular” in the definition, see K.
DAVIS, 2 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW TREATISE §7:3 (2d ed. 1978); Morgan, Toward a Re-
vised Strategy for Ratemaking, 78 U. ILL. L. F. 21, 50 n.l43 (1978).
3See P. Verkuil, A Study of Informal Adjudication Procedures, 43 U. Chi.
L. Rev. 739 (1976), for a discussion of informal adjudication.

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