No. 25-2, 2018
- Table of Contents
- Balancing the Competing Functions of Patent Post-grant Proceedings
- A Duty to Safeguard: Data Breach Litigation Through a Quasi-bailment Lens
- Cybersecurity, Shareholders, and the Boardroom: an Analysis of Current and Proposed Measures for Protecting Corporate Intellectual Property
- The Curious Case of Cady Noland and the Disappearing Cabin
- Tightening the Gilstrap: How "tc Heartland" Limited the Pharmaceutical Industry When it Reined in the Federal Circuit
- Watch What You *bleeping* Want: Interpretation of Statutes Dealing With Advancing Technology in Light of the Ninth Circuit Case of "disney Enterprises, Inc. v. Vidangel, Inc."
- Freebooting on Facebook - Should the Social Media Giant Face Liability?
- Wearables and Where They Stick: Finding a Place for Tech Tattoos in the Ip Framework